La Rochelle 2021
NR 115
La Rochelle
R E D A K T E U R : Karin Leibbrandt F O T O ’ S : Y-Africa Photographers,
Mariechen Vermeulen, Karen Swarts, Karin Leibbrandt, Gerhard Kroukamp, Eduan Hayman, Yvonne Vervaart, Nicky Albertyn, ouers en leerders. P R O E F L E E S : Lynette Neethling, Carla Uys, Soné Ackerman, Joerg Neethling D E S I G N A N D P R O D U C T I ON : Avant Garde P R I N T I N G : Shumani Mills Communication
Opgedra aan ........................................................ 2 Larries Groet ........................................................ 4 Jaarverslag ........................................................... 8 Akademiese Erkenningsaand 2020 ..................... 14 Beheerliggaam ................................................... 16 Congratulations Matrics 2020 . ........................... 17 Subject Teachers ................................................ 18 Graad 8 Oriëntering ........................................... 24 Register Classes ................................................. 25 Sotte en Miladies ............................................... 34 Juffrou Lochner Verjaar ...................................... 36 Student Council & RCL ....................................... 37 Studenteraad ..................................................... 38 Ma- en dogterpiekniek ....................................... 40 Graad 8 Vrugtefees ............................................ 42 Hostel ................................................................ 43 Diensklubs . ........................................................ 52
Societies . ........................................................... 55 One Act Play / Larries Got Talent ....................... 72 Budding Authors ................................................ 74 Kuns ................................................................... 76 Ontluikende Skrywers . ....................................... 80 Astro Inwyding ................................................... 82 Sport .................................................................. 84 Larries Graad 1 tot 12 ...................................... 102 Valentine’s Day ................................................. 103 Prysuitdeling .................................................... 104 40 Days ............................................................ 108 Matriekafskeid . ................................................ 110 Uitstapdag ....................................................... 112 Grade 12 Register Classes . .............................. 114 Farewell message – Headgirl ............................ 118 Afskeidsboodskap – Onder-hoofdogter . .......... 120 Valedictory Message ........................................ 122
O P G E D R A A A N – A . L O C H N E R
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Ms Lochner for being the dynamic, daring and darl ing principal who has f lown the Larrie f lag with pride and passion; worn her heart on her sleeve and stood by her principles come what may. Under her inspiring and visionary leadership La Rochel le has developed an identity of its own – one of l imitless Love, unconditional Acceptance and reciprocal Respect – and ranks amongst the top schools in South Africa across the spectrum of activities associated with secondary education. La Rochel le stands as a smal l , yet sol id, rock in a town renowned for its educational institutions, largely due to the stature of Ms Lochner who has remained steadfast on various issues pertaining to the indispensable role women play in society. If Ms Lochner were to attend a Larrie Prize-Giving Ceremony as a recipient in the ‘Special Awards Category’ , they would be: 1. A gold star for unshakeable integrity. 2. A gold star for resi l ience in the face of unbel ievable pressure and demands from al l sides. 3. A gold star for tough love. 4. A gold star for being a bridge across many troubled waters. 5. A gold star for poise and posture. On a personal note: Thank you, Ms Lochner, for the insightful discussions on books, f i lms and the theatre; the cl ick of your heels announcing your presence in the passage outside my classroom; the open door (not always) to your off ice; your motivational assembly messages and countless words of wisdom; your encyclopedic knowledge of the history and traditions of the school ; your abundant generosity with ice-creams for al l (plus ‘die roomysgeld’ for the staff! ’ ) and your digni f ied ‘victory laps’ when we came out on top at 4G. In conclusion: I would l ike to add my voice to the thousands of members of the Larrie fami ly from near and far who cheer you on and throw their hats in the air in salutation of the incredible person you are and the unbel ievable role you played at La Rochel le. We wi l l miss you, captain, our captain! We give you permission to leave school a l ittle earl ier! Sir JN
Tr i b u t e t o t h e a m a z i n g a n d l e g e n d a r y M s A m a n d a L o c h n e r
I f y o u h a v e n e v e r b e l i e v e d i n t h e v e r a c i t y o f t h e e x p r e s s i o n ‘ d y n a m i t e c o m e s i n s m a l l p a c k a g e s ’ , t h e n y o u h a v e n e v e r h a d t h e t r e m e n d o u s p r i v i l e g e a n d p l e a s u r e a s I h a v e h a d o f k n o w i n g M s A m a n d a L o c h n e r a s a f r i e n d f o r m a n y y e a r s a n d s e r v i n g u n d e r h e r a s t h e p r i n c i p a l d u r i n g t h e t w i l i g h t y e a r s o f m y t e a c h i n g c a r e e r .
T R I B U T E T O – A . L O C H N E R
Before I go over the word limit as I have warned thousands of learners not to do over the years, let me summarise as follows: More than ten things I love about La Rochelle (aka wonderful memories I shall treasure forever): The tremendous spirit – ‘die onblusbare en onstuitbare gees’ – the girls can generate inminutes; the famous saying ‘Larries don’t sweat, they sparkle’; the glorious victories at 4G; co-hosting the best All Girls’ Festival ever; climbing every mountain with the intrepid members of the Outdoor Club; the various magical musical evenings; the angelic voices of the choirs and ensembles; the unbelievable artistic talents of so many; the community service offered by various societies; the contagious laughter in the passages and the quad; the fun times such as ‘Valentine’s Days’, ‘Civvies Days’ and ‘Forty Days’; the soft touch ladies have when it comes to decorating venues for functions; the eagerness of the learners to knuckle down to serious work without any threats from the teachers; the willingness to laugh at the lamest puns and the corniest jokes by you know who. As a final request I would like to ask the Larries a big juicy favour: when you see my dog dragging me around town, do not cross over to the other side of the street because you are afraid of him. He would love you to stop and chat – after all his bark is much worse than his bite! Even though the voice of the BFG will not disturb the peace anymore, he wishes every Larrie everything of the best and promises to keep all of you in his prayers on a daily basis. Long live La Rochelle! Viva La Rochelle! En Avant La Rochelle! Joerg Neethling
Mr Joerg Neethling.
Ms Joyce Janssen.
As I look back on a teaching career spanning more than four decades – 6 years at DF Malan, 31 at Paarl Gymnasium and the last 6 at La Ro- chelle – I cannot help but regard my- self as being unbelievably privileged and mightily blessed to have been associated with such outstanding schools. Being afforded the oppor - tunity by Ms Lochner to stand as a tall tree in the stunningly beautiful Larrie garden was a gift from above. As Sir JN, I felt like a lord who was loved, accepted and respected unconditionally. I could always sense the sincerity and spontaneity in every greeting of ‘Good morning/ afternoon/evening, Sir’, even if it was for the second time in a day or at the wrong time of the day! I know I will go down in history as the only husband whose wife was his boss at home and at work. The truth of the matter is I admire a woman who has strength of character, who has strong moral values and is willing to stand her ground on important issues. In this regard I hope that I created a safe space in Room 22 within which beautiful young minds could broaden their horizons; spread their intellec- tual wings; view matters from a wide range of perspectives and voice their opinions without fear of being judged. Froma purelymasculine point of view, I loved it, but I could not help but see the irony in the girls standing up for me in the passages, some more than willing to stand a second or even a third time if I happened to be walking to and fro. Was I not supposed to be the gallant gentleman who should stand up for the ladies? (NB This is merely a rhetorical question!) I have always valued good manners, friendliness and kindness and I urge all the Larries to continue this fine tradition. Hopefully in the not-too- distant future Larrie hugs and high- fives will become the norm again.
It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to La Rochelle Girls’ High School. I started my LAR journey a year before I officially became an educator at the school as a student teacher in 2013 at the young age of 22. I always told myself that I would never teach at an all girls’ school because it simply “isn’t for me”. Needless to say, after doing my practical here and observing the way in which the school and the learners operate, I completely changed my mind. I was so grateful being able to start my career in an environment that was familiar and to work with staff who are kind and helpful. Over the years I have grown tremendously as an educator and was able to form a great bond with my learners. So much so, that they offered to come and decorate or “Larrie-fy” my classroom in the new school. As the saying goes: “once a Larrie, always a Larrie” could not be more accurate. My teaching experience here will never be forgotten as many wonderful memories were created by staff and learners. As a teacher, your wish is to instill a passion in learners for your subject and I take great pride in knowing that the new German teacher is an old pupil of mine. Eight wonderful years later, I leave La Rochelle knowing that the German Larries will be in great and capable hands. I would like to finish off with the following German quote by Albert Schweitzer: “Das einzig Wichtige im Leben sind die Spuren von Liebe, die wir hinterlassen, wenn wir
weggehen. En Avant! Liebe Grü βe Frau Janssen
Mnr. Muller Joubert.
Liefste Larries Ek voel so bevoorreg om te kan sê dat ek vir drie jaar deel van die Larrie-familie was. My tyd by La Rochelle sal ek vir ewig koester en in my hart dra. Ek wens daar was meer tyd om elkeen van julle persoonlik te kon druk en groet. Dankie vir al die lag en die stories wat julle so graag met my gedeel het. Dankie vir die ompraat om ’n afperiode te kan hê en uit te vra oor my troue net sodat julle nie hoef te werk nie. Elkeen van julle maak my hart warm. Ek kan nie wag om te sien hoe jul Through the years, so many learners and staff members turned to her for advice. She always took the time to sit and carefully listen, allowing us to rage or vent or cry. Some days Room 16 was busier than “De Aar Stasie” and it almost felt as if we were taking part a relay. As soon as one person would leave, the next person would already be waiting outside the door. Somehow, she just always knew how That went straight over my Grade 8 head, but I made sure to always pick up after myself since that day. That was the first of many lessons I have learned from Mrs Neethling through the years. I’mnot only talking about her mind-blowing knowledge of language, her passion for literature, and creative writing, which she has imparted to her learners and young teachers alike. No, I’m talking about those lessons that taught us about life, love and resilience. She is the type of person who has always put others before herself. I don’t think any of us will ever really know how many hours, days, and nights she spent in devotion to her craft, her school, her colleagues and her learners. Her incredible dedication and loyalty to La Rochelle and her learners is something I have always admired and will never forget. If you want something done, and done correctly, you ask Mrs Neethling. I don’t know how she did it, but she ALWAYS knew exactly how things were supposed to work, look or happen. And even if she had explained something to me ten times over, she never lost her temper. She would just roll her eyes and smile and explain once again.
to handle every challenging situation and you would leave the conversation feeling lighter and comforted. For me, she has always been the em- bodiment of integrity. Like the quote of Brené Brown says she chose courage over comfort, what was right over what was fun, fast or easy. She practised her values rather than simply professing them. Even if it meant that she could be criticized or misunderstood, she never shied away from difficult situa - tions, but addressed those things that the rest of us were too afraid to. May you have a wonderfully blessed and blissful retirement, Mrs N. May you read books for enjoyment only (not for analysis), may you sleep in (if you can), may you take those long overdue hikes with Mr Neethling and spend as much time as possible with your children and grandchildren. We owe you somuch. Thank you some much for teaching us, encouraging us, pushing us and loving us. Thank you for every sacrifice you made, every joke we shared and every tear that you wiped away. We love you, Mrs N. For always and ever, En Avant ! Mrs Luzanne Oosthuizen
Mrs Lynette Neethling.
I have to confess that when Miss van Aswegen asked me to say goodbye to Mrs Neethling on behalf of the learners and staff today, I was absolutely petrified. Not because I have nothing to say, but because there are too many things I would like to say. I mean, how does one speak for thousands of learners who have sat in those desks in Room 16 through the course of thirty years? Where does one begin to reminisce about every interhouse and 4G meeting, every cultural event or concert, every Gr 8 camp, Gr 11 seminar, every Open Day, 40 Days or prizegiving? It’s simply impossible to squeeze a lifetime of memories into a few, short minutes. I first met Mrs Neethling when I was wearing a flower dress like every one of you girls. Even though she was not my English teacher, I remember that I was always very careful in her presence about how I behaved and what I said. She had a reputation, you know, for being someone who did not take any nonsense. We did not mess with her. I remember writing exams in Room 16 in my Grade 8 year and her telling us “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
Me. Karen Swarts.
le verder gaan blom en julle volle potensiaal bereik nie. Ek sal altyd ’n sagte plek vir La Rochelle hê. Ek mis julle “môre Juffrou” terwyl julle breed glimlag soos wat ek in die oggend verby julle loop. Om weg te gaan en julle te moes groet was een van die moeilikste besluite wat ek al ooit moes neem. Ek hoop dat julle altyd sal onthou hoe ongelooflik spesiaal elkeen van julle vir my is. Bly altyd die mooi, sprankelende, spontane en liefdevolle jong vroue wat julle is. Al my liefde Juffrou Viljoen
Me. Lize-Marie Viljoen.
about how well I am still keeping to my own New Year’s resolutions – and I will tell you what they are in a moment – but as I was preparing this presentation, these resolutions also helped me remember some insights I gained into life. Insights that I constantly seem to have to relearn, especially over the last year and I want to share these insights with you. I know that this is our Easter assem- bly, but I want to give a message that will touch everyone’s heart regardless of your faith. So, I want to you listen up, all of you, because I put a lot of myself into this and I know that there are learners sitting here today who really need to hear this . I know that there are colleagues here today who really, truly need to hear this and I need to hear this, out loud, since I often prepare speeches as a way of reminding myself of the very things I try to teach you all. I started my year by making three resolutions: 1. Reignite my relationship with God 2. Focus on the positive or Wabi- sabi (finding the perfection within the imperfection) 3. And to read more How well am I still keeping to these? Well with regards to my first resolu - tion, I want to tell you a story: In a previous assembly message, I mentioned that I often find God in places in my day-to-day life. In the music I listen to, the books I read, the people I meet and, more often than not (in retrospect), through the things that have happened in my life. Almost three years ago, I was sitting in my living room on the Karoo-farm where I stay absolutely devastated, frightened and sobbing because the drought had destroyed our harvest, we were laying off staff (people who had been working on the farm for years, people who have families) and we only had enough money left to pay everything, excluding our salaries for one month. Thereafter, it would be gone. The dream was dying. I was sitting there racking my brain for a solution and suddenly my phone rings – it’s a WhatsApp from Miss Lochner: “Mariechen, ek het aflospos vir Lewenswetenskappe tot einde van die jaar, stel jy belang? Ek
kan nie nou detail gee nie, ons praat môre.” My hart het amper gaan stil staan. Dit was een van daai oomblikke wat jy rondkyk en dink “Wie’s daar? Wie luister in op my gedagtes” want dit was soos ’n direkte antwoord op my smeekgebede. Ek moes die boodskap oor en oor lees om seker te maak dis werklik. Ek analiseer elke woord en laat val amper die foon so vining probeer ek terug tik “Ja”. Van al die dinge waarvoor ek die dankbaarste is in my lewe, is daardie oomblik in die top 5. Juffrou Lochner, jy weet nie hoe naby aan daai donkerte juffrou my kom red het nie. Ek weet God se hand was daarin, net soos al die vorige kere waarvan juffrou dalk nie eers weet nie. Dankie. Last year I received a very philosoph- ical book from one of the matrics. The type that I would never have picked for myself, but I fell in love with the author. Reading it there was this one beautiful line that has just stuck itself in my mind which reads: “We use earthly means as if Godly ones to not exist and we use God as if earthly means do not exist.” Which may sound weird, but to me it means that as humans we have these two spectrums: We either try to solve problems by all “earthly means” possible, forgetting the “spiritual means” available, OR we throw everything into the “spiritual means” and forget the very sane, scientific, and often inspired “earthly means” available to us. Because not all problems are the same or have the same solutions. Dis amper soos die storie van die man wat op die dak sit terwyl die vloed sy hele huis en dorp wegspoel. Drie, vier bote gaan verby en elke keer wat hulle aanbied om hom te red sê hy net: “God sal my red.” Maar God stuur die bote en die mense om hom te red! And this got me thinking about how I “use” God in my life and I immediately thought back to that day in my living room when “Godly means” presented themselves to me even as I was trying to use “earthly ones” to correct my situation. From this experience I have learned to pray about it as much as I think about it . I have also learned that you can have control or you can have trust , but
Mev. Mariechen Vermeulen.
Beste Larries, Hier groet ek julle, alweer. Dit is nou die derde, en ek glo, laaste keer, alhoewel dit vir my die moeilikste keer is. Ek voel al soos die “comeback-kid” wat net nie kan wegbly nie! Maar dit is omdat La Rochelle so ’n groot gedeelte geword het van wie en wat ek is. As ek terugdink oor die laaste sewe jaar en die paadjie wat ek gestap het, kan ek dit nie beter beskryf as die toespraak wat ek vir Paasfees in Maart 2020 geskryf het nie, voordat die werêld op sy kop gedraai het – toe 2020 nog die jaar van “plenty” was. Ek het nie geweet wat kom nie. En toe ek vanjaar weer hierdie toespraak oopmaak en lees, besef ek hoe baie ek en julle daardie woorde nodig gehad het – as ek dit maar net op daardie tyd kon spreek. Ongelukkig moes skole sluit en alles tot ’n stillstand kom. Maar selfs daarin is daar wabi-sabi. Ek glo dat hierdie boodskap alles opgesom het en daarom wil ek dit as my laaste woorde aan julle oorlaat. “Good morning to all the Larries, Show of hands: who of you made New Year’s resolutions at the start of this year? And who of you are still going strong with them? According to Google the most common New Year’s Resolutions are (and let’s see if any of them ring true for you): 1. Exercise more 2. Lose weight 3. Get organized 4. Learning a new skill or hobby 5. Saving money 6. Quitting smoking 7. Spending more time with family and friends 8. Travel more Seeing as it is April, I got to thinking
you can’t have both. God’s strength will come to you when you need it – not before. And that is where the trust part comes in. As to my second resolution of Wabi- sabi or focussing on the positive. I recently had a long conversation with my husband about where we are in our lives and why things happen the way they do. It got me thinking about the Butterfly effect . Have any of you ever you heard of this principle? You probably think it’s just a cool movie with Ashton Kutcher playing one of the only serious roles he has ever tried to do, but do you understand the principle? Well, it is one of the principles within Chaos Theory (which I love) – look it up! Basical ly, the Butterf ly ef fect describes the idea that small changes can have big impacts in the future . For example, if a Butterfly flaps its wings on the East side of the planet, who’s to say that this does not cause small changes in air pressure that gains enough momentum to generate a hurricane on the other side of the planet? You only have to watch ONE Quinton Tarantino film to experience the idea of the Butterfly effect! A choice is not just a choice . Every choice has far-reaching implications that we may not even be aware of. An asteroid hurtling through space 65 million years ago was gently, subtly nudged into a collision course with Earth as it hit meteor, after meteor on its journey. Its trajectory changed ever so slightly every time until it was full on heading for planet Earth. This massive impact killed the dinosaurs and paved the way for another species to take centre stage i.e. mammals and this is but one example. Now think about your life. The people you’ve met. Maybe you met
them at just the right time. How are the choices you made long ago still affecting your life today? I learned this principle many years ago, but one often needs to re-learn things you already know, because learning is fluid, just like living is fluid. We are constantly changing (because the only constant in life is change!). The meaning of these things we learned way back when renew themselves in our lives over and over. They take on more meaning, different meanings in different times of our lives. Thinking about where I am today, thinking about that WhatsApp from Miss Lochner, the choices I made to be there and now here, I come to the realization that all of it was actually perfect . And I have news for you Larries: You are perfect . And don’t misun- derstand the word perfection here. It should not be interpreted as the “perfect” we use in everyday lan- guage. This is a “spiritual perfection” because it does not mean that you are not flawed. It means that you are exactly who you need to be , who you are supposed to be , where you are supposed to be right here, right now in this very moment of your life. Every choice you have ever made in your entire life has brought you to this very moment in time listening to me in this very hall, because you needed someone to tell you: you are perfect . Your choices have brought you here today, but they may not all have been optimal choices. The great thing about this is that it embodies the very nature of a choice: it can change! There are always more choices to make. Choosing to take to heart what I tell you here today is one of them or choosing to forget it.
When you think about your life in this way then it also sets you free of regret . Because to regret would mean not being who you are right now. It would undo your perfection and also the purpose of all the choices you have made in your life up until this moment in time. Therefore: Never regret. Just choose better next time. Focus on the good that comes from your choices. Which is YOU: a constantly creating being. Changing and moulding and choosing who you are through life. We are after all “human beings” not “human doings.” You need to stay. And you need to stay loudly . You’re afraid of making bad choices, but the truth is this: the tiniest actions will influence the course of the rest of your life and you cannot control it. So many factors play a part in you being here today: a delayed train, an extra cup of tea, the number of seconds your parents took to cross a street. This is chaos theory. Sensitivity. Mathematics. You are here. And every choice you ever made has led you to right now, hearing this . While you exist, every movement and moment matters; those bad choices led you the best days of your life, if you were to play it all in rewind. So let them go. Change will come. Even is you’re standing still . Butterflies will keep flapping their wings and causing hurricanes. So, make your choices and make them loudly. Trust your gut. Trust energy. And if you ceased to exist? Of course, the universe would notice. The mess that would make! The hearts that would break. So just stay. Stay for the bad choices. Stay for the great ones . Stay. Cause a few hurricanes.” Mariechen Vermeulen
Liefste Larrie-familie Baie dankie vir vier ongelooflike jare. My hart loop oor. Ons het trane van hartseer en blydskap gedeel en soms was ons ook minder lief vir mekaar! Maar ek sal ons flou grappies en baie somme maak in kamer 25 mis. Julle het verskriklik diep in my hart gekruip, elk met julle unieke persoonlikhede. Dit was vir my so lekker om julle te sien groei en ontwikkel as jong dames. Soos ek altyd sê, net julle raak ouer! (; Ek wens vir julle voorspoed en seën toe (en dalk iewers ’n afperiode). My matrieks van 2022 – sterkte met julle jaar, ek is in gees met elkeen van julle! Al my liefde, TS.
Me. Tiffany Schwegmann.
Beste ouers, La Rochelle-dogters en vriende van die skool Dit is vir oulaas my voorreg om namens die personeel verslag te lewer van die eerste sewe maande se gebeure. Teen die einde van 2020 het ons besef dat die Covid- 19-pandemie nog nie uitgewoed is nie en het ons versigtig optimisties uitgesien na veranderinge in 2021. Ongelukkig was ’n terugkeer na ’normaal’ nie vir ons beskore nie, maar ons het as personeel wel twee beloftes aan mekaar gemaak: Ons gaan bly planne maak EN ons gaan met sagte oë na onsself en almal rondom ons kyk. Dít was dan ook ons fokus vir 2021: Emosionele ondersteuning vir ons leerders, ouers en personeel in hierdie uitdagende omstandighede. Die professionele verbintenis met Talking Point na die traumatiese selfdood van twee gr. 11-leerders is uitgebrei na die werksaamhede van GLT ( Gesprekke/Let’s Talk ). Onder die toesig van ’n paneel onderwysers word gespreksgeleenthede vir die dogters aangebied. Soos genoem, het die pandemie steeds ’n invloed op ons gehad. Nie net het die beplande opening van die skool op 25 Januarie 2021 nie plaasgevind nie, gesinne en uitgebreide families in die La Rochelle-kring is ernstig deur Covid-19 geraak – deur die siekte self, maar ook finansieel. Ons harte gaan uit na almal wat hulle eie uitdagings bestuur en met deursettingsvermoë hul oog op geloof, hoop en liefde gevestig hou. Die woorde vanMaya Angelou was nog nooit so waar soos nou nie en herinner ons om nie die waarde van liefde en omgee te onderskat nie. “ Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope .” Op eie front is ons geruk deur die skielike dood van mev. Corné Coetzee. As graad 11-graadhoof en RTT-onderwyser (sedert 2001) het sy diep spore getrap en ’n verskil in baie leerders se lewens gemaak. Ons is dankbaar dat ons die dienste van mev. Christien Marais kon bekom om die RTT-klasse oor te neem. Mev. Christa Vos het die pligte as graadhoof oorgeneem en saam met die gr.11-leerders ’n stylvolle matriekafskeid gekoördineer. Two new members of staff joined our ranks: Mrs Shanje Maree (Afrikaans and Life Orientation) andMiss Kirsty Nel (Dramatic Arts). Mrs Lise de Beer resigned as counsellor during the course of the year. Mrs M’lani Basson has filled her post. Mrs Karen Swarts left the school at the end of August and has relocated to the Netherlands. Mrs Christa Bothma, who joined us in 2012, retired as Secretary at the end of March. However, her association with the school stretched over many years as a parent, as a member of the PTA, as well as a member of the SGB over the past number of years. Mrs Bothma’s daughters, Madeleen (Matric 2006) and Susan (Matric 2009), are proud past pupils of the school. Mrs Nita Volschenk has filled the vacancy and has established herself in Room 19. Mrs Christel Hall has been appointed at the Hostel since 1 May 2021.
Despite our positive outlook for 2021 and its prospects, the staff still had to face many external challenges. After many uncertainties, the School Management Team, Administrative Staff and Terrain Personnel reported for duty on 25 January, with the rest of the staff arriving on 1 February. We were confronted, yet again, with the task of adapting our year planning for both academics and extra-murals. We had to think creatively and the Grade 8’s welcome was changed to a single Orientation Day, which was wrapped up with the traditional Parent/Sot/ Milady Picnic – with all COVID protocols intact! We continued with the longer periods which were implemented in 2020 after the first lockdown. The first group of learners – Grades 12, 11 and 8 – reported on 15 February and the Grades 12, 10 and 9 on 22 February 2021. After consultation and in order to utilise teaching time optimally, ALL the grades returned on 1 March. In the mornings screening took place in the JJ Meyer School Hall, while strict measures were applied for the learners to maintain social distancing in the school and the hostel. The closing date of the first term was postponed to 23 April, with 3 May scheduled to see the start of term 2. This year also saw the national elections of school governing bodies for the next three-year term. Our first online election took place on 23 March 2021 and the following parents were elected: Chairperson – Mr Nico Koch; Deputy Chairperson – Mrs Michelle Horn; Treasurer – Mr Villie de Kock. The other members include: Mesdames Mimi Briers-Louw, Lizanne Pelham, Leslee Durr, Mr Riel Malan, Mr Adriano Bertoncello, Mr Eduan Hayman and Mr Francois Pieters. Elected members of staff: Miss Nadene van Aswegen, Mesdames Sonnet Vorster and Karin Leibbrandt (Secretary); Learners: Bianca Leighton and Méla Botha (both Student Council) and Fränzel Basson (RCL). Die skoolbeheerliggaam speel ’n sleutelrol in die strategie van die skool en ons sien uit na die voltooiing van die projekte wat ná die afhandeling van die astro hokkiebaan en tartan atletiekstrook geïdentifiseer is – vestiging van die netbal- en tennisbane in Du Toistraat en die aanbou van ekstra klaskamers. Despite the restrictions associated with lockdown, the following activities could take place. Detailed accounts occur elsewhere in this edition. • Gr. 8 Athletic Trials • Olympiads: English, Maths (as well as UCT Maths Competition, where we received 15 Merit Awards and Annamarie Mans was the recipient of the Oxford Prize ) • The creative activities of the Green Committee • The Outdoor Club hikes • Valentine’s Day celebrations • Science Club activities • First Aid Course: Levels 1 and 2 • Parent Evenings: Gr. 8 (15 February); Gr. 12 (9 March); Gr. 9-11 (online presentation) • Academic Prestige Evening (after the publication of the Matric results) • Open Day for prospective learners of 2022 • Interhouse swimming with limited items • Afrikaans Literêre Seminaar (gr. 12’s)
• Inauguration of the astro hockey field and tartan athletics strip • Gr. 12 Music Evening in the Learning Centre (performance of their exam work) • Student Council Assemblies and other activities • Debating competitions • Equestrian competitions • Debat- en redenaarskompetisies; Radikale Rede- naars; Con Spirito, Debat • Women’s World Day of Prayer with Sarah Scholtz as Guest Speaker • White Tea with Girls’ High School presented by the SC • One Act Play and Larries Got Talent • Mieta Soenies, ons staatmaker skoonmaker verskyn op die TV-program “Die Koevert” Sy is deur Marguerite van Eeden (Oud-Larrie Matriek 2015) genomineer. • TalkingPoint / GLT presentations facilitated by Sarah Scholtz and M’Lani Basson. • Subject Choice presentation for Gr. 9s • Matric Farewell • Hostel Dinner • Training of SC and Hostel Prefects of 2022 • Marné Pedro – Onderhoud op RSG • Mossel Bay Athletics • Miss Johanna (née Longland) Heydenrych’s 80th birthday on 29 May In 2020 was daar soveel simpatie vir die gr. 12’s nadat die wêreld vanaf einde Maart feitlik tot stillstand geruk is deur die pandemie. Vanjaar het ons besef die gr. 12’s is op buitemuurse vlak selfs slegter daaraan toe. Fisiese aktiwiteite was uit die staanspoor ’n taboe – al het ons ten spyte van die inperking probeer om met sekere sportitems en/of kondisionering voort te gaan. Die feit dat kompetisies slegs sporadies plaasgevind het, het ’n negatiewe inpak op al die leerders se skoolervaring gehad. AKADEMIE: Die Matriekuitslae het vir die eerste keer eers in Februarie verskyn. Ons kon eers op 23 Februarie die klas van 2020 se uitslae vier. Die uitslae het vir spogoomblikke gesorg. Die 116 kandidate het weereens vir ’n 100% slaagsyfer gesorg met ’n klasgemiddeld van 75%. La Rochelle received an award as one of the Top 20 academic achieving schools in the Western Cape. Die Solidariteit Skoleondersteuningsentrum (SOS) het La Rochelle weer vereer vir uitsonderlike presta- sie vir die aantal vakonderskeidings (Afrikaans, Le- wenswetenskappe en Besigheistudies) per kandidaat. Bianca Leighton, hoofmeisie van 2021, is uitgenooi na die virtuele jeugleierskonferensie van Die Burger . Sy is een van slegs 50 skoliere wat gekeur is. ’n Afrikaanse Vakvereniging, met Inge van der Westhui- zen as voorsitter en Cara Pieters as onder-voorsitter, is gestig. Bianca van der Walt (gr.10) het gedurende die Desem- bervakansie die geleentheid gehad om deel te wees van die Siyanqoba-streek Wiskunde Olimpiade-program. Bianca se gedig “Hoop vir die hiernamaals” is in die
Afrikaanse Vakvereniging.
Alana Theron.
Annamarie Mans.
Arianne Floris, Lara Whatney, Kiera Batts.
Astro Inwyding.
Bianca van der Walt.
ATKV Debat.
Bianca Leighton.
Brenda du Toit.
Christa Bothma.
Christel Hall.
Christelle Greyling.
Christien Marais.
Corné Coetzee.
Elke van der Westhuizen.
Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns se bundel, POORT, gepubliseer. Sy behaal ook 90% in die ATKV se aanlyn taalkompetisie. Die All Girls’ Festival het vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar nie plaasgevind nie en vanjaar het die 4M-Atletiek en Swem Interskole ook in die slag gebly! Ten spyte van die uitdagings en afstel van groot byeenkomste het die volgende prestasies ons harte darem laat klop: SPORT EN KULTUUR: Twee topatlete van 2020 het die volgende eer te beurt geval: Elke van der Westhuizen – FULL SCHOLARSHIP from University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) Business School. Tonel Tallie – Accepted at the College of Charleston, South Carolina (USA) to further her academics and athletics career. Verskeie atlete is deur die innoverende optrede van mnr. André van der Burgh as lede van die Paarl Atletiekklub geregistreer en kon die ASA ATLETIEK-byeenkomste in die Paarl (Dal Josafat Stadion) en Parow bywoon. Tien atlete het gekwalifiseer om die ACNW-ligabyeenkoms op 19 en 20 Maart in Potchefstroom by te woon. Eerste plekke is behaal deur: Cornelia Destroo (D14 Diskus) – 35,22m, Kiera-Lee Abrahams (D16 Verspring) – 5,62m, Mia Wilson (D16 300mH) – 44,73s, Brenda du Toit (D20 400mH) – 61, 25s. By die ASA Nasionale Atletiekkampioenskappe van 7-10 April op Dal Josafat het NEGE dogters vir deelname gekwalifiseer. Al nege het onder die top 8 in Suid-Afrika geeïndig en het AGT medaljes ingeoes. Brenda du Toit het ook gekwalifiseer om aan die SA Senior Atletiekkampioenskappe in Pretoria deel te neem. By hierdie geleentheid het sy ’n brons medalje vir die 4x400m verower. TENNIS – Jade Atkins en Erin Hack is opgeneem in die Boland Kavalier-spanne. Izelle Stemmet is gekies om deel te wees van die Cape Town Junior Ballet. Nina Everson kwalifiseer vir die Bloemfonteinse muurbal-ope en Mieke Siebritz en Greschline Titus vir Jukskei SA se nasionale kliniek. Mignon van Zyl is gekies om Karate Wes-Kaap in Bloemfontein by ’n kwalifiserende kampioenskap te verteenwoordig. Emma Koch, Keyleigh da Silva en Gemma Deacon is opgeneem in die Boland onderwater-hokkiespan. Ongelukkig kon al die kompetisies nie plaasvind nie. NETBAL – Die eerste netbalspan kon slegs die HMS- netbaldag bywoon. Die 0/18-span het ons trots gemaak deur vierde uit die 12 skole te eindig. Die Waterkloof-netbaltoer nooi is gekanselleer, maar mnr. Morné van Tonder, ons eerstespan se afrigter, het dit reggekry om ’n toernooi in Pretoria (Hybrid Nets) op kort kennisgewing te reël. Ander skole wat ook hierdie toernooi bygewoon het, was Oranje Meisies, Overkruin, Sentraal, Oos-Moot, Diamantveld, Ben Vorster, Durbanville en Brandwag. Dit was ’n waardevolle geleentheid vir die 0/16- en 0/18-spelers! By die 0/18 BA-reeks het ons span uitstekend gevaar, Jade Atkins is aangewys as “Centre Court Player of the Tournament”. Die enigste wedstryde waar AL DIE OUDERDOMSGROEPE kon speel, was teen Hugenote
HS (Wellington) op die Du Toitstraatbane. La Rochelle wen 14 uit die 16 wedstryde en die 0/18-span wen ’n skitterende wedstryd met 36-13! Christelle Greyling was deel van die Shooting Divas- span wat ’n brons medalje in die aksienetbal somerliga verower het, terwyl Caroline Noyce as lid van die die Boland Foxes-span ’n silwer medalje by die PSI Intercity Toernooi (indoor hockey) gewen het. Alana Theron dring deur na ’n landswye sangkompetisie, KOLLIG, se finale rondte. Sy is een van slegs sewe hoërskoolleerders wat deurdring. Net so kan die hokkiespelers trots wees op die paar wedstryde wat hul kon voltooi. Afrigter Jannie van Heerden se hand was duidelik te sien in die afronding van die 0/18-span. Wat ’n voorreg om wedstryde op eie bodem aan te bied! Méla Botha, ’n ywerige redenaar, haal Podiumpret se lys van tien sprekers om internasionaal deel te neem. Deur Talent Africa, waarvan Podiumpret deel is, ontvang sy ’n spesiale baadjie na aanleiding van die 2020 e-finaal waarvan Pole en Ierland die gashere was. Die Federasie van Uitvoerende Kunste in Suid-Afrika ken aan haar SA- kleure toe vir dié deelname. Haseena Allie auditioned for a supporting role in a new NETFLIX series. We look forward to the airing of this series in 2022. Lara Whatney, Arianne Floris en Kiera Batts ontvang WP- kleure vir dans by die WP-kampioenskappe. Net toe ons begin dink dat ons daaglikse aktiwiteite kan normaliseer, dwing Covid weer die land tot vlak 4-inper kings en is die skole op kort kennisgewing vroeg gesluit - 30 Junie vir die leerders en 2 Julie vir die personeel. Die implikasie was “devastating” vir die eksamenreëlings waarmee ons besig was. Kom ons noem dit “examination interrupted”. Dit was steeds nie die einde van die eerstes nie … die formele assessering is gestaak en voortgesit in die derde kwartaal waarvan die aanvangsdatum na dae van onsekerheid eers aangekondig is! Uiteindelik het die skole vir die derde kwartaal op 26 Julie begin. On 15 March, after three years of consideration, I an- nounced my retirement, which ends my 42 years’ of service to the Western Cape Education Department, with my highlights being: nearly 30 years at La Rochelle Girls’ High School! First as Deputy Principal (July 1992) and Science teacher, followed by Principal (1 January 2002). My life has been enriched, because learners, parents and staff have allowed me to blossom at La Rochelle! It is therefore with a heart filled with gratitude that I can conclude this report. I have unconditional faith that the school, under the competent leadership of Miss Nadene van Aswegen (Deputy Principal), the School Management Team and staff (school and hostel), will manage the school and complete the planning for 2022. Furthermore, I believe that the School Governing Body will oversee the appointment of a new principal with the necessary insight, wisdom and efficiency. The words of former principals continue to echo through my mind. Miss Martha Cillié’s letter to the past pupils in 1907 who became teachers, especially still ring true for the future of La Rochelle:
“Remember it is not what we do but how we do it, that matters. Let your pupils feel that you are interested in their welfare and that their highest good is your objective above all, let your daily life be an example which they can copy”. We can justifiably be proud of what has been achieved over the years, both to the physical infrastructure, as well as the successes of past pupils. This bears testimony to our diligence, perseverance and loyalty to our cherished heritage, namely La Rochelle Girls’ High School. How important is it not that we have broadened the lives of our learners over the years? By “Going Digital” in 2022, we continue to develop these young lives and prepare them for careers which do not even exist yet. Our focus remains on the aesthetics and the enjoyment and appreciation of the arts and music; socialising of groups which leads to mutual respect and support; the development and appreciation of individuals as citizens who can make a critically valuable contribution. May we continue to maintain and show respect towards everything that has been developed with so much fervour over the years. That is what makes La Rochelle unique! The numerous Annual editions which have been published since 1906 (bar in 1918 due to the Spanish Flu) attest to this. May it continue to be a priority! Dankie aan almal wat die laaste paar vir my spesiaal gemaak het: • Lida Hendrikse, Sonnet Vorster, Adéle Bothma en die res van die koshuispersoneel wat my altyd laat welkom voel het in hul geledere. Met die finesse van FEEDEM het hul herinneringe met woorde en kos vir my in die klubhuis geskep – dankie Brittle en Lindsey! Ook vir die “laaste” middagete waarmee die koshuisprefekte my bederf het. Ek bewonder die toegewydheid van die personeel en die enorme taak wat hul in 2016 aangepak het om die tien badkamers te vernuwe. Vanjaar kon hulle met trots aankondig dat dit voltooi is en selfs Navarre en Eendracht spog met nuwe badkamers. • Al die afrigters en koördineerders van die verskillende sport- en kultuuraktiwiteite. Met sommige het ek ’n lang pad geloop en ek bewonder hul vir die vabyt en kreatiwiteit deur verskillende omstandighede. Die waarde wat hulle tot menige leerder se lewe toegevoeg het, kan geld nie koop nie. Dankie dat julle die vlammetjie van hoop steeds laat brand! • Mev. Lientjie Olivier, skoolhoof van Laer Meisieskool La Rochelle, vir haar ondersteuning en die goeie werk wat jaarliks daar gedoen word. Dankie ook vir die leidende rol wat sy gespeel het om die laaste prinsipale vegade ring in ’n hartverwarmende gebeurtenis te omskep. • Die Oudleerderbond en voormalige skoolhoofde wat my vriende geraak het. Christa le Roux en Johanna Heydenrych – julle is onlosmakend deel van die Larrie- ketting wat my gevorm en ondersteun het. Doen so voort! Dankie aan Maria Bellmunt en Karlien Venter vir die pragtige blomspeld wat spesiaal ontwerp is. • Karin Leibbrandt en haar span wat die tradisie van die jaarblad voortsit en die skool met grasie op die sosiale netwerke bemark. Dankie vir die keurige artikels en mooi plasings.
Gr 12 Musiek- konsert.
Haseena Allie.
Izelle Stemmet.
Jade Atkins.
Me. Kirsty Nel.
Me. Amanda Lochner, Méla Botha.
Lobke Kirstin, Elke van der Westhuizen, Elizabeth du Toit.
Mev. Christa Bothma en Familie.
Mev. M’lani Basson.
Me. Mieta Soenies.
Mev. Nita Volschenk.
Valentynsdagvieringe – Méla, Bianca.
SA Atlete.
Mev. Shanje Maree.
Tonet Tallie.
Mia Wilson.
• Dankie aan die SBL wat deur die jare my hande gesterk het en met entoesiasme en nie eie belang La Rochelle altyd voorop gestel het. My 30 jaar by die skool is verryk deur die vriendskappe wat met hulle gevorm is. Dankie aan mnr. Nico Koch, SBL-voorsitter, vir sy leiding en veral die besonderse groetboodskap tydens ons laaste formele vergadering. • Dankie aan elke ouer (huidige en voormalige) wat op hul eie manier kontak gemaak het. Julle het ons vertrou met jul kosbaarste besitting – jul dogters. Mag die paaie vir julle gelyk loop en mag jul altyd vreugde put in die feit dat God hierdie pragtige dogter(s) met ’n doel aan julle toevertrou het. Koester dit! • Die huidige personeel wat my bederf het met ’n laaste melktert-tee in die personeelkamer en Vrydagoggend-saamwees in die Leersentrum. Ons is veral die laaste twee jaar deur tawwe tye saam, maar ten spyte daarvan het julle lojaal aan jul groot taak gebly. • Dankie aan die SBS en mej. Van Aswegen wat my veilige hawe van besluitneming in die kantoor was en al die reëlings rondom die twee byeenkomste. Ek bring ook hulde aan al die personeellede wat my pad in die 30 jaar gekruis het – jammer Covid het ons samekoms bederf! Julle is die HOEKPILARE van elke Larrie wat deur die jare hier uitgestap het. • La Rochelle-dogters en jul leerderleiers: Dankie vir jul bydrae tydens die byeenkoms in die En Avant en die “memorable” ski ldery. Ek koester elke blokkie wat jul geverf het! My wens is dat julle die sterk vroue sal word wat ons in ons visie beskryf … THAT YOU WILL BECOME VALUE-DRIVEN YOUNG WOMEN. THAT YOU WILL OWN YOUR FUTURE. Dankie aan al my vriende en familie van wie ek so baie geleer het en wat my gekoester laat voel het om my beste te gee. Dit was interessant hoe die waarde van Psalm 23, een van my gunstelinge, telkemale die afgelope tyd opgeduik het. Especially the New Intern Version The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing He makes me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside quiet water He refreshes my soul. May the green pastures around our school al- ways be covered
Op 3 1 J u l i e 2 0 2 1 b e r e i k o n s d i e e i n d e v a n ’ n e r a . N a 1 9 j a a r i n d i e t u i g l ê me Ama n d a L o c h n e r d i e l y s e l s n e e r. D i t w a s ’ n a a n p a s s i n g v i r a l ma l , ma a r i n t i p i e s e L a r r i e s t y l h o u o n s d i e k o p h o o g e n g a a n v o o r t . COVID-19 wil ons steeds nie los nie en op 26 & 27 Augustus moet ons die skool sluit vir ’n diep skoonmaak. Die WKOD reël ’n spesiale span om ons te kom help en vir ’n paar uur is daar manne in oorpakke en ’n verskriklike rookgeweer in beheer van ons skool. In true COVID-19 fashion, this closure led to the Gr 12s not having 40 days as planned. Regardless of the interruptions we carried on and the new leaders of 2022 were elected. The Gr 12s wrote their first full examination since 2019. Mrs Vermeulen won the Provincial National Teachers Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching. A fitting award for the energy and passion she puts into her classes as well as her effort in the Green Committee. Teen einde Oktober kan ons stadig weer begin om sport te be oefen. ’n Paar dogters neem deel aan provinsiale toernooie vir hokkie en netbal en die atletiekseisoen skop af. Die atlete wen die Wes-Kaap Twizza Streekskwalifiseerder in Groenpunt en bou voort op hierdie prestasies by die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl se atletiekbyeenkomste. La Rochelle made history by bringing home the Overall Winners’ trophy for the first time in the 12 years since the inception of the Interschool’s Show-Jumping competition. On 15 October the Gr 12s finally had their 40 days celebration. They had a unique approach by not just focussing on themselves, but they included the whole school resulting in everyone having a very exciting day. 2021 het ook ’n groot aantal vreugdes onder die personeel ge bring. Me Schwegmann raak verloof in Oktober. The following members of staff tied the knot during 2021: Ms Viljoen, Ms Kotze and Ms Hugo. Daar wag 4 bondeltjies vreugde vir Mevv Uys, Lötter, Ackerman en mnr. Meades. But with the joys there are also goodbyes. At the end of September, Ms Viljoen took a position at Curro Brackenfell. From 2022, Mrs Vermeulen will write Life Sciences Content for “Die Antwoord Reeks” from their farm in the Tankwa Karoo, Ms Schwegmann is starting at DF Malan and Ms Janssen at Paul Roos in January 2022. After a cumulative of 75 years in education, Mr andMrs Neethling are retiring. We will miss Mr Neethling’s melodious voice and patient explanations on the intricacies of the English language.
Mrs Neethling taught at La Rochelle for 30 years. During this time, she had an immense impact on every learner, she empowered value driven young women to own their futures. We will miss Mrs Neethling’s calm and decisive manner. Aan die matrieks van 2021, baie dankie vir julle bydrae die afgelope 5 jaar by Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle. All the best for the festive season, enjoy your well-earned holiday. Ms Nadene van Aswegen
with beautiful Larrie flowers. En Avant Amanda Lochner 2021-07-31
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