La Rochelle Yearbook 2024
A special welcome to one of our old learners, Dianne (Mclauchlin) Rynhoud from the class of 1974 – if you do the maths that means she had your valedictory day exactly 50 years ago. Dianne made a generous donation towards the old girls scarf the Grade 12’s will receive today. Thank you also to Karelien Venter, the chairlady of the La Rochelle Alumnae for their special gift to matrics today.
Elke jaar, aan die einde van Mei word daar ’n SAGSA konferensie gehou vir die bestuur van meisieskole in Suid-Afrika. By vanjaar se konferensie is hierdie mooi leesstuk met ons gedeel oor die “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” plant en ek deel dit ook graag met julle. Dit is vir my natuurlik ook gepas dat dit gaan oor blomme, aangesien ons hier in Blommeland bly. Net voor ek dit met julle deel gou so bietjie agtergrond oor hierdie plant. Hierdie spesiale blom begin ’n donker pers op dag 1 en verander dan na ’n ligte pers of laventel op dag 2 en op dag drie raak dit heeltemal wit. But let me first read it to you: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow There are only three days that matter in anyone’s life, The first of these is YESTERDAY. Can you look back on it and feel you did your best? Or did you, somewhere miss a chance To give something beautiful to the world? You can never relive it, But you do have a second chance with TODAY. What will you do with it? Are you ready to meet its challenge … To open your heart to happiness and share it with others? Or will you wait for TOMORROW, Dreaming and planning for what you hope will be?
The choice is yours, But remember you cannot change yesterday, And tomorrow may not be all you expect. But today – today is here and now, And if you use it well You will be rich indeed.
I would like to elaborate even further on the spiritual meaning of these flowers. We are gathered here today matrics to celebrate the remarkable journey you have travelled. This beautiful plant, with its flowers that change from purple to lavender and then to white, also mirrors the journey you have taken here at La Rochelle. Just like the “Yesterday” flower, a deep purple in its bloom, your early years were filled with wonder and excitement as you embarked on new adventures. In Grade 8 you walked through the gates of this school full of hope and curiosity, unaware of how much you would grow. That is your yesterday. Toe was dit julle “Today,” verteenwoordig deur die laventelblom – ‘n tyd van verandering en groei. Hierdie paar jaar by La Rochelle was julle ‘Today.’ Julle was getoets, beide in en buite die klaskamer waar julle kon leer van die wêreld en meeste van als kon jy ontdek wie jy is. In hierdie paar jaar was daar vir jou ’n paar uitdagings, baie gedeelde lag-oomblikke, jy kon vriendskappe bou en ’n paar belangrike lesse leer, wat jy met jou sal saamneem op die pad vorentoe. Hierdie laventel kleur
150 | Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle | Girls’ High School
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