La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
Rochelle ’n tweede plek by die 4M atletiekbyeenkoms behaal, was dit volgens die leerders een van die lekkerste 4M byeenkomste nog en het die ondersteuners enduit hul span aangemoedig. La Rochelle het 19 atlete gehad wat aan die Boland Kampioenskappe deelgeneem het en 12 atlete het deurgedring na die Wes-Kaap kampioenskappe. Monique Engelbrecht, Adrienne Gallop, Miclynn Africa, Kiera-Lee Abrahams, Mia Wilson, Cornelia Destroo and Kylie Basson took part in the South African High Schools Championships and the ASA National Championships, where Kiera-Lee and Mia obtained a bronze and silver medal respectively. Dankie aan oom André van der Burgh en juffrou Schoemie vir hulle ondersteuning en aanmoediging. • Netball: The u.18A Team had an amazing season, going from strength to strength. In the Top Schools’ Championships, they finished as number one in the Western Cape and 11 th in South Africa. Congratulations to Coach Morné van Tonder and the team on this achievement. Western Cape Inter-District Tournament representation: Cassandra Malgas and Amor Nell. Western Cape Teams: Thabisa Yekani and Hannah Olivier (u.18); Shani van der Merwe and Hannah Kriel (u.17); Jade Atkins (u.16); Maroné Uys (u.15) and Mienke du Toit (u.14). Thabisa Yekani and Hannah Olivier were also chosen to be part of the Top 35 group. South African Schools Teams: Jade Atkins (u.16); Hannah Kriel (u.17) and Hannah Olivier (u.18). • Hockey representation at various levels: Boland Teams: Shamira Titus and Johré Blommetjies (u.18A); Caroline Noyce (u.18B); Kiera-Lee Abrahams (u.16A) and Cadey Bekker (u.16B). Boland Regional Team: Aimee Farmer. West Regional Team: Makaziwe Gqiba, Mia Pieters, Layla Wagner, Corin Joseph (u.14). South African u.18 Girls’ Hockey Team: Shamira Titus (played against Namibia in July). • Equestrian: Our Equestrian girls have excelled in a wide variety of disciplines this year, with representation on Regional, as well as National levels. Our greatest achievements are that we placed 12 th out of 211 competing high schools at the SANESA Nationals and locally that we won both the Dressage & Prix Caprilli, as well as the Show Jumping legs of the Equestrian Inter-Schools Competition, a first for La Rochelle. A big thank you to Mrs Tracy Meyer for her time invested in the Equestrian girls. • Muurbal: Chloë Stander word opgeneem in die Boland o.16-span. • Tennis: Jade Atkins en Skyler Riddles is in die span wat aan die SA Interpro-tennistoernooi deelneem, ingesluit. Jordan Armstrong verteenwoordig die Wes Kaap Kavaliers se o.18A-span in Kimberley vir die Synergy Cup . Tineke Louw neem deel as lid van die Boland Kavaliers se o.15B-span. Isobel Kröhn en Jordan Armstrong neem ook deel aan verskeie toernooie gedurende die jaar. B U I T E S P O R T S O O R T E : • Aksienetbal: Die volgende leerders behaal die WP-span en wen as span ’n silwer medalje: Mari van Tonder, Mienke du Toit en Mischa du Toit; Mischa Batt is a member of the u.17 Western Cape Coastal Team. • SA Skole Snelroei: Whitney Appolis behaal ’n brons medalje.
• Cape Winelands Chess Team: Zhané Lubbe was a member of this team. • Internat ional Mirror Class Dinghy Nat ional Championships: Katharine Malan participated. • Karate: Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Association National Championship: Cassidy Swanepoel (1st Girls u.16). Cassidy also came 1st at the National OGKK Championships. • Underwater Hockey: Emma Koch represented the u.19 South African Team. • Ritmiese Gimnastiek: Megan Koch en Mia Koch neem deel aan die Wes-Kaap en Suid Afrikaanse kampioenskappe. • Krieket: Cornelia Destroo behaal die Boland o.16 span. • Western Cape Shore Angling: Melissa Rossouw represents the u.16 Team. • Hip Hop: Lara Whatney, Arianne Floris and Kiera Batts represented the Western Cape at the National Sport Aerobics, where they received SA Dance colours and qualified for the Unite World Championships in Portugal. • Stars of the Universe International Performing Arts Cup: Skye Hillebrand obtained her South African colours. • Nasionale OGKK Karate Kompetisie: Cassidy Swane poel (1ste plek) • Voortrekkers: Nasionale Toekenning - Walmari Crous • Landsdiens: Skringbokkleure vir Landsdiens - Leoni du Plessis. C U L T U R E “ Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures .” – Henry Ward Beecher. The Culture Committee of La Rochelle Girls’ High certainly brought some soul into the school this year. • In 2022 it was decided that the Grade 8s would be called ‘Daisies’ and the first Daisy Drama was performed under the guidance of Ms Kirsty Nel at the end of Term 1. Our La Rochelle School Choir was once again brilliant in their performances under the competent leadership of Mr Johannes Schickerling and accompanied by Ms Madri Gerber. They competed in the Prestige Category of the ATKV Competition, where they ended fourth nationwide. On 24 August they entertained us with a lovely performance in the KWV Emporium and at the Miss La Rochelle Pageant. At the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod they received a Cum Laude and were the category winners. • Con Spirito: After competing against musicians from across South Africa and being selected as finalists for the Stellenbosch University National Ensemble Competition, the Con Spirito Ensemble of La Rochelle Girls’ High won the Best Classical Large Ensemble division on 24 September in the Endler Hall in Stellenbosch. At the Paarl Valley Eisteddfod, they received a gold plus and were category winners. They also performed in the KWV Emporium Concert and at several Assemblies and functions throughout the year. • Avanti -publikasies: Dit is ons voorreg omons wonderlike aspirant joernaliste se artikels op ons maandelikse Avanti Blog te volg. La Rochelle se redaksiespan, onder die leiding van mevv. Carla Uys, Soné Ackerman en
Annual report
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