La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
Mev. Marné Pedro word in November as vakadviseur vir Afrikaans vir die Overberg Onderwysdistrikmet ingang 2023 aangestel. Na nege jaar moet ons dus hierdie ongelooflike, inspirerende en innoverende opvoeder groet. Ons is baie trots op haar vir hierdie bevordering, maar watter leemte laat sy nie op akademiese en kultuurgebied nie! In die koshuis groet mev. Ria Westraad ons na baie jare. Die leerders van Navarre gaan hierdie omgee-tannie verseker baie mis. During the year the Larrie stork was quite busy. Both Mr Quinton Meades (Joshua) and Mrs Soné Ackerman (Roland) were blessed with little boys and Mrs Niena Lötter (Nienke) and Anmarie Davids (Katryn) with little girls. Mrs Karin Leibbrandt and Hannatjie Naudé were blessed with grandchildren during the year. Personeel en afrigters wat ook buite die skoolgrense presteer het: • Me. Adéle Bothma word verkies as voorsitter van die Boland-hokkiebestuur. Sy organiseer puik interprovinsiale toernooie tydens die Junie-vakansie. Dankie aan haar vir hierdie diens aan die gemeenskap. • Ms Wanri Venter excelled as: Being selected as a member of the Boland Hockey Committee; Umpire at the Women’s Indoor Inter-Provincial in Durban and the Women’s Outdoor Inter-Provincial in Pretoria; Umpire Pro League Men (South Africa, the Netherlands, Germany, India and France) in Potchefstroom and the Women’s Junior World Cup in Potchefstroom; In July she umpired at the Women’s World Cup in Spain and the Netherlands, where she was chosen to umpire the quarter-final between Germany and New Zealand; Umpire at the Commonwealth Games in England; The highlight was being chosen to umpire the final between Australia and England. • Mev. Marianna Schoeman was spanbestuurder van Boland-Sentraal en Boland, asook Wes-Kaap Dogters na die SA-Atletiekkampioenskappe. • Mr Bennie van Graan is a National Level 3 Coach and coaches Javelin for the Boland Athletics Team. • Mnr. Shawn-Crispin September is ’n vlak 2 nasionale naellope afrigter. • Mr Johnnie Zulch is the Coach and Manager of the Western Cape Cavaliers u.15 and u.18 Tennis Teams. • Mev. Christa Vos is die hoofkeurder van die o.17 Kaapse Wynland-proewe 2022. • Mrs Remina Stephan-Pienaar is a member of the Netball Blue Birds DNL Team. • Mev. Julie Ruthven is afrigter van die o.15 WP netbalspan, wat na die SA Top Skole gaan en haar span behaal ’n vyfde plek by die kompetisie. Sy is ook die sekretaresse van die Kaapse Wynland netbalbestuur. • Me. Madri Gerber is die begeleidster van die Tygerbergkinderkoor en lid van die Sing In Harmonie seniorkoor. • Mr Stephan-Wessel Swart is the first runner up for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics at the National Teachers’ Awards . I N S T A N D H O U D I N G E N O N D E R H O U D In die eerste kwartaal word die terrein rondom die tennis- en netbalbane by Du Toitstraat beveilig met ’n
heining en elektroniese hek en word die area rondom die bane opgeknap. Die klubhuis sal oor twee fases opgeknap word. Fase een is slegs aan die binnekant, met moontlike uitbreiding van die klubhuis in fase twee. Na meer as 45 jaar se pret in die swembad, het dit net te veel verweer gehad en moes die krake herstel word. Tydens die herstelwerk sal die rante van die swembad ook gelig word sodat dit aan die FINA -regulasies voldoen. Baie dankie aan mnr. Adriano Bertoncello vir ure se werk wat hy aan beide hierdie projekte afgestaan het. Our electrical infrastructure received some much-needed attention in 2022. To maintain operational stability and productivity, we installed an inverter with a 3-kWh battery. This allows our CAT classroom, Admin block, telephones, and IT network infrastructure to function, even during extended power outages. Major work was also undertaken to ensure that all electrical hardware and installations comply with the latest legal and safety requirements, and an Electrical Certificate of Compliance was issued. This gives us peace of mind that the electrical system of our 120-year-old building is safe and future-ready. In line with our aim to be more sustainable and eco-aware, we completed a 60-kW solar installation on the roof of the En Avant Centre. Since installation at the end of July, we have generated more than 26 MWh of electricity, of which 39% was sold back into the grid, and reduced our reliance on grid-power by 50%. This is equivalent to an environmental saving of 8.8 tons of coal, or 44 tons of CO 2 . The aim is that additional panels in future will ensure off grid electricity production, as well as adding solar to the hostel. A big thank you to SGB members, Mrs Leslee Durr and Mr Francois Pieters, for their time and effort to make a success of this project. By die koshuis is daar gedurende die jaar ’n Larrie Salon tot stand gebring en opknappingswerk is aan die Larrie Boutique , waskamer en personeelwoonstelle gedoen. Die laaste badkamers by Groengang 17 & 18 is pragtig opgeknap. Baie dankie aan mev. Lida Hendrikse wat hierdie projekte so effektief bestuur. A C A D E M I C S The Matric Class of 2021 made us very proud. Despite the disruptions to the academic programme by the COVID-19 Pandemic since March 2020, the Matrics persevered and achieved excellent results. They obtained a 100% pass rate, and La Rochelle is one of the few schools in the country to achieve a 100% Baccalaureus admission. The class average was 76%, with 40 learners achieving an average of 80% and above (34,2% of the class). There were 382 subject distinctions (3,26 per learner) and 33 learners offered 8 or more subjects. Alexandra van Stelten, with an average of 96,29% and 100% for History, was the top achiever of La Rochelle, as well as being amongst the top performers in the Western Cape. Both Alexandra and the school were invited to Leeuwenhof by the WCED where the school was placed 15 th in the Western Cape for their academic results in the NSC Exams. HMS La Rochelle word weer deur die Skole Ondersteuningsentrum vereer vir uitstekende akademiese werk in 2021 gelewer. Mev. Hannatjie Naudé ontvang die eretoekenning namens die skool. La Rochelle is landwyd in die derde plek met 3,25 onderskeidings per leerder. Die volgende vakke verdien spesiale vermelding: Afrikaans HT – 3de; Wiskundige Geletterdheid – 9de;
Annual report
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