La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
Message from the Head Girl
Jeanne du Toit
“ I t ’s impor t an t i n l i f e t o conc l ude t h i ngs proper l y. On l y t hen can you l e t go . Ot herwi s e , you are l e f t wi t h words you shou l d have sa i d bu t never d i d , and your hear t i s heavy wi t h remor s e . ” (Yann Ma r t e l – L i f e o f P i )
gloomy. Upon our arrival at the gates of La Rochelle, we were filled with optimism and excitement. We were finally in high school, but the intensity and overload of information about our new surroundings left a few of us in tears and on the phone crying. Ek onthou hoe ek na die tweede week
van graad 8 saam met juffrou Geldenhuys huis toe gery het. Sy het my toe gevra hoekom die meisies hierdie jaar so baie huil. Ek het geantwoord: “Ek weet nie, Juffrou.” Toe vra sy my: “En Jeanne, huil jy ook so baie.” Toe sê ek: “Aan die begin het ek, Juffrou, maar ek het gesien my ma huil nou nie juis so baie oor my nie, so hoekom sal ek oor haar huil!” Met daardie sin in gedagte, het ons, ons troll hare ontgroei en besef dat die Miladies nie werklik so vreesaanjaend was nie. Matrieks, as ons terugkyk na ons as die klein Sotties wat die hoërskool binnegetree het, het ons al ’n ver pad gekom. Dit was ’n voorreg om saam met julle groot te word en te groei. Daisies, voorspoed vir die res van julle hoërskoolloopbaan wat voorlê. Wees lief vir jul mede mens en geniet die goue oomblikke van die daaglikse lewe. Part 2: The La Rochelle Grounds My third quote: “ It was my luck to have a few
Matric class of 2022, for 1755 days we have been on our high school adventure. We have been in our own lifeboats, with waves pulling us in and pushing us out and with many challenges and obstacles on our voyage, teaching us endurance and faith. When we (the original 8-1 register class) were discussing Life of Pi in English with Mr Neethling, I grew very fond of this strange, verbose and extremely descriptive novel. Pi’s tenacity during his ordeal resonated with me and I realised that there is quite a bit that we can learn from the novel. Today I would like to use Life of Pi as a comparison for our time at high school and the lessons that we have learned Our story starts with Part 1: Primary School and La Rochelle To quote “ My suffering left me sad and gloomy .” The first two weeks of Grade 8 left some of us sad and
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