La Rochelle 2021
I w a s c h o s e n t o b e t h e C h a i r p e r s o n o f t h e D a n c e C l u b a t t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h i s y e a r . I t h a s b e e n a n a m a z i n g e x p e r i e n c e . N o t o n l y h a s i t h e l p e d m e w i t h m y c o n f i d e n c e , b u t i t h a s a l l o w e d m e t o h e l p o t h e r s w i t h t h e i r s . The Dance Club rehearsed once a week on Thursdays. At first it was challenging, since it was a new addition to the extra-curricular programme of the school, as well as having to deal with the challenges and restrictions of the COVID-19 Pandemic. But as time passed, it became a lot more fun and much easier. Working wi th Lara Whatney (Vice-Captain) has been wonder-
K l o k l u i e r s
Elsje-Mari Louw, Juané le Roux, Anna Louwrens, Liana Human
ful, as we can communicate without feeling offended and we can help each other out. The learners were shy at first, but that changed once we got to know one another. This group has allowed the very talented Larries to blossom and has given them the exposure they need. We had the opportunity to be a part of Larries Got Talent and the school’s Arcade Night . The hard work was well worth it. The focus
throughout the year was on stage performance and the technical and performance skills a group needs for a good stage performance. Our next focus will be on developing several dance styles. The year might not have been with- out challenges, but I am extremely grateful that we were able to provide this platform to the Larries and that we could build on our dance skills. Arianne Floris (Captain)
Dance club
D a n c e c l u b
FRONT: Zaidia Brandt, Cassidy Swanepoel, Nasreen Moerat, Arianne Florris (Captain), Ms Kirsty Nel (Liaison Teacher), Lara Whatney (Vice-Captain), Chenique Wynand, Jordan Hess, Shaheem Ernstzen 2ND ROW: Gabrielle Balie, Kelsey Van Sitters, Natanya Rossouw, Caitlin Arnold, Megan Williams, Keira Green, Alex Stuart, Mia Valentine, Amy Smit 3RD ROW : Tiffany Bailey, Chloé Williams, Rebecca Rossouw, Kiera Batts, Nikitta Arend, Jenna, Michelle Johnson Jontaye Jones 4TH ROW: Jade Wilson, Georgina Drake, Lilo-Eli Mtyida, Jenna Bekker, Anneke Nortier, Brooke Arnold, Yeongshin Lim, Romé Richter, Beate van Niekerk
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