Boishaaier 2019
SCA / CSV I n 2 0 1 9 w e w e r e b l e s s e d w i t h g o o d g r o u p l e a d e r s , e x c e l l e n t g u e s t s p e a k e r s a n d a W e e k o f L i f e i n O c t o b e r t h a t g a v e m a n y b o y s h o p e f o r t h e f u t u r e .
W e also introduced a new structure of leadership that give the Grade 12 learners more responsibility and a better opportunity to develop as mentors. Throughout the year we continued to have lessons on Thursday mornings and talk about topics relevant to the youth of today.
Ons het tydens die derde kwartaal (7-10 Oktober) ons tweede amptelike “Week of Life” aangebied. Op die Maandag het ons die voorreg gehad om tydens die saalbyeenkoms na Jo Black se getuienis te luister. Die seuns het sy lewensverhaal en sy opregtheid baie waardeer. Die Dinsdag het mnr Meintjes ’n groep seuns na Rusoord- tehuis geneem. Die seuns het saam met mnr Meintjes ’n paar gestelike liedjies gesing en daarna net lekker met die ooms en tannies gesels. Die terugvoer van die ouetehuis was ongelooflik positief en die waardering was groot vir die moeite en tyd wat die hoërskoolseuns afgestaan het. Worship in the Valley was presented for the second time, an evening during which relevant speakers aim at serving and uplifting teenagers in Paarl from as many schools as possible. This year nine different schools were represented, all from the Drakenstein valley. Our speakers made it a truly genuine experience. Cheslin Grobler, owner and cofounder of Fleet coffee, landed the concept of making the right choice and
We were privileged to host the old Springbok Pierre Spies in the first term and listen to his testimony during our assembly. His sincere message and humble personality captivated the boys from beginning to the end. In die week voor Paasnaweek asook die Donderdag van Hemelvaart het ds Bekker twee kragtige boodskappe aan die seuns gelewer. Dit was vir ons as skool belangrik om tydens dié geleenthede stil te staan in ’n besige kwartaalprogram en dit wat Jesus Christus vir ons gedoen het te herdenk.
SCA / CSV Agter: Stass Nel, Nikolai Coetzee, Charl Marais, Zar Lawson, Thomas Esterhuyse, Luke van Schoor, Jan-Alwyn du Plessis, Brenfitt Muggel 3e ry: Tristan O’Malley, Abraham Jacobs, Kian Francis, Sergio Teixeira, Bayanda Kula, Danté Delle Donne, Miguel Rosich, Auden Jacobs, Juan Burger, Armand Burger, Danie Obermeyer, Emile Kroukamp, Benjamin Pretorius, Jack de Swardt 2e ry: Jack Cloete, Neil Goosen, Lee Felaar, Dian Jacobs, Wiehan Mouton, Herman Snyman, Rhynardt Rijnsburger, Niel Venter, Danté Burger, Nico Giliomee, Leon Best, Jess Bardin, Kleeve Jordan, Leopoldt Nöthling, Liam van Wyk 1e ry: Sherwin Nicholas, Kaylim Dorfling, Eloff Vermeulen, Josh Pentz, Jandré Truter, Simon Gerber, Al-Ron Solomons, Brody Goddard, Carlyle Damons, Joseph Piper, Jacq Strydom, Christiaan Senekal, Kyle Laity, Matthew Birch, Liam Carruthers, Stian Olivier, Hannes Scholtz, Simon du Toit Voor: Emile Scriba, Jorich Murray, Josh Steenkamp, mnr V Kruger, Dafydd Kordom, mnr A Blom, Rossouw Erwee, mnr A Meintjes, Albert van Niekerk, Wynand Hattingh, Thomas Hudson
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