Boishaaier 2019
Bernabé de la Bat Headboy Douglas Steenkamp Deputy headboy INTREEBOODSKAP VAN HOOFSEUN 2020
G e a g t e m n r S w a r t , M e n e e r d i e S e r e m o n i e m e e s t e r , E r e g a s t e , O u e r s e n M e d e - B o i s h a a i e r s
D it is vir my ’n ongelooflike eer en voorreg om hier voor julle te staan en ek wil dankie sê vir die vertroue wat julle in my plaas om hierdie groot verantwoordelikheid te dra. Dankie aan die belangrikste twee mense wat my gevorm en gelei het om te kom waar ek vandag is. Pappa en Mamma, julle is regtig net die beste van die beste. Aan my broers, ná my eerste jaar alleen in die huis het ek geleer om ons boks- en stoeisessies al hoe meer te waardeer. Van in die agtertuin leer hoe om te “tackle” tot nou het ek al baie by julle geleer en ek wil net dankie sê vir die goeie voorbeeld wat julle vir my is. So kan ek deur die hele familie gaan, maar ek twyfel of ek so baie tyd het. Baie dankie aan my familie en vriende vir julle liefde en ondersteuning. Dit beteken die wêreld vir my. These days most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passion a quotation. There is some misperception in this world that we all should be alike, that we should dress the same, act the same, think the same, otherwise you won’t be accepted. Stop waiting to be on the side of the majority; they may be the majority but they are the trivial majority and you are the impactful minority. Ons mense is geneig om baie vinnig in ’n gat te kruip en onsself jammer te kry wanneer die negatiewe meerderheid ons aanvat, maar wees jý die een wat sterk staan sodat ons as ’n skool kan sterk staan, want dít maak ’n verskil. As jy al ooit by ’n laerskoolsokkie was, sal jy weet: dit begin altyd met die meisies aan die een kant en die seuns aan die ander kant. Dit vat dan net daardie één ou wat ’n meisie gaan vra om te dans om vir almal die selfvertroue te gee. Dan, voor jy weer sien, dans almal. Net so benodig die dansvloer van ons skool, van ons land en van ons wêreld JOU, die één mens wat téén die grein sal gaan vir wat reg is en wat sal opstaan vir wie hy is. Convince people of what is right, not with your words, but with example. But always remember that a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. We should never stop making
this positive influence on people around just because we receive acknowledgment for it. Remember, people are fast to notice what you are doing wrong so don’t give them the slightest of chance. To the matrics of 2019, this is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end but it is perhaps the end of the beginning. Boys’ High has formed you into who you are, not better than everyone else, but different. Embrace this difference, allow it to lead you to places. Be brave as life challenges you to exercise both your heart and your mind as you create your own path towards happiness. Don’t waste time with regret, enjoy each moment as it comes because you’ll never get another quite like it. And if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply retrace your steps and come back to the valley of the blue white and blue to feel the passion of your brothers and hear the echo of the blue army chanting. You’ll find your way. For this broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you. Aan die matrieks van 2020, ons is nou al vier jaar gelei om te kom waar ons vandag is. Deur dik en dun het ons geveg en sterk gestaan om tot hier te kom. Nou is dit ons beurt om die verantwoordelikheid te dra en die skool tot nuwe hoogtes te lei. Om die skool se waardes en tradisies uit te dra. Aan die nuwe prefektegroep van 2020, kom ons aanvaar die verantwoordelikheid wat nou op ons skouers rus en lei deur ons voorbeeld. I’ll leave you with the following: let’s not be afraid of the year to come for we have in our possession the antidote to our dread; our time free to be dedicated to the slow but necessary work of turning visions into projects, values into practices, and strangers into brothers. They should never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak; the fiercest storms rise from the calmest seas. We will come silently and release the beast inside of us for we have something they don’t, something they will never have: The crest and crowning of all good, life’s final star, brotherhood. The Twig Became a Tree
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