Olympic CITRUS Packing Guide
Labels are in general 80mm x 65mm (depending on type of software used). Business information on the label is not preferred, when used, no misinformation, pictures or obscure and vague information, pertaining to the content of the cartons, may be presented on the label. Under no circumstances can a carton label be pasted over another. LEGALLY REQUIRED INFORMATION : • COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Preceded by term: PRODUCE OF or ORIGIN. • TYPE: Oranges (example) • VARIETY: Navels (example). Please take note of spelling. • COUNT: Preceded by the term: COUNT • ORCHARD NUMBER: Alphanumerical • PUC and/or PHC code: Preceded by an indicative term. • PRODUCER’S OR EXPORTER’S NAME and LOCAL postal or PHYSICAL address. • PACKING DATE: Code format, see below. • POST HARVEST FUNGICIDE TREATMENTS: Preceded by: TREATED WITH. PLEASE NOTE : AND/OR may not be used. If two or more treatments are used they must be separated with AND. • PRE-PACK UNITS: When bags or punnets (example) are used, the NUMBER OF UNITS must be indicated on label. • GRADE / CLASS / CATEGORY: Processing fruit, may be indicated as: P. • SIZE REFERENCE: Preceded by term: SIZE CODE, SIZE REFERENCE or SIZE
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