La Rochelle Yearbook 2024


Mev. Elsabé Conradie (Skoolhoof)

Me. Nadene van Aswegen (Adjunkhoof)

Mev. Karin Leibbrandt (Bemarking)

Mnr. Sarel Rossouw (Voorsitter)

Mnr. Francois Pieters (Ondervoorsitter)

Mr Andrew Rielly (Treasurer)

Mnr. Riel Malan (IT)

Mr Christiano Sassoli (Sport)

Mr Allister Golding (Wellness)

Mev. Marli Slabbert (Kultuur)

Me. Adéle Bothma (Koshuis)

Dr. Bradley Greenhalgh (Co-opted member)

Mev. Nita Volschenk (Notaris)

Nalene Visser (Hoofmeisie)

Ayesha Hendricks (Deputy Headgirl)

Kelsey van Sitters RCL

• Participation and involvement – leaners, parents and Alumnae • Learner numbers & staff composition planning for future sustainability • Facilities We are excited about the school’s vision as well as practical future directives, undergirded by a firm foundation and transparent governance systems. Collectively, these provide the platform which to enables our daughters to experience an educational environment that will empower them to become responsible global citizens. Planned expansion projects – school and hostel The new classroom project – building 9 new classrooms on top of the existing music block – was submitted and approved by the WCED. With all the necessary approvals now in place, the funding model is being reviewed after which the project can be implemented. An exciting expansion project will soon commence for the Navarre hostel, incorporating the adjacent “Pastorie” property recently acquired by the La Rochelle Trust. Not only will this increase the hostel learner numbers by about 50 but will also provide on-campus accommodation for key personnel. Collaboration with other schools In an environment where schools must become more and more self-sustainable, positive collaboration between schools is of critical importance. To this end, we are excited about our relationship with Boland Landbou and Noord-Eind Primary which has unlocked resource sharing and fundraising opportunities to the greater Paarl school community. In conclusion 2024 – La Rochelle’s 164th year, has been an excellent one on all levels. To all the SGB and committee members – thank you very much for all your valuable input and sacrifices. A special word of thanks to Mrs Conradie and her hard-working staff – you are making an amazing impact in the lives of our daughters! With the necessary building blocks in place, we look forward to next year – a year of special celebration when La Rochelle turns 165! Sarel Rossouw – Chairperson

SGB ANNUAL REPORT LAR – Love, Acceptance, Respect. What a privilege to have our daughters shaped by these values! From a schooling perspective, a very competitive environment exists in our town. Our school’s values (and on top of that – the “kindness” theme for this year), underscore the foundational virtues which guide learners to becoming compassionate servant-leaders in society. This creates the fertile ground in which excellence (on all levels) thrive! Governance The newly elected School Governing Body (SGB) started their 3-year term in March. A big thank you to the previous SGB, which, under the leadership of Mrs Leslee Durr, provided a solid foundation expertly crafted over the course of the last 3 years. Active engagements were held with various role players to assess the potential impact of the impending BELA Bill. To this end, the school’s policies – which were re-worked extensively by the previous SGB – received final expert reviews after which it was formally adopted. School governance is the sum effort of nine focused sub committees – Finance, IT, Academics, Facilities & Maintenance, Culture, Sport, Hostel, Marketing and Wellness. Each committee is chaired by a SGB member, and further comprise A strategic planning session was held in June with the SGB, staff, senior management team, old learners and current parents in attendance. During this extensive workshop, the school’s 5-year strategic plan was updated, with focus on inter alia the following: Vision, Mission and Values • SWOT analysis • Diversity and belonging (inclusiveness) • Wellness - learners and staff • Academics • Sport & Culture • Marketing, branding and communication • Fundraising and sponsorships • Leadership development of parents, teachers and learners. Strategic planning 2024 - 2028

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