La Rochelle Yearbook 2022


G R E E N C OMM I T T E E ‘Un l e s s someone l i ke you care s a who l e awf u l l o t , no t h i ng i s go i ng t o ge t be t t er . I t ’s no t . ’ (The Lor ax ) With plant poaching on the increase, the aim of the Green Committee this year was to protect plants. In recent years, South Africa’s rare and indigenous plants have been stolen, smuggled, and then sold to international illegal markets, thereby threatening our biodiversity. Since the Green Committee cannot be the plant police, we decided to raise funds by hosting the Green Market Day , workshops and outings, as well as selling stickers and our new Eco-Club t-shirt. All our funds have been donated to the Botanical Society of South Africa , which plays a key role in South African plant conservation. They implement conservation projects through strategic funding of botanical specialist work to address habitat loss in highly threatened habitats.

Our Term 1 workshop on recycling was followed by an outing to the Drakenstein Lion Park , a sanctuary which provides abused, captive-born lions and predators with the compassion and respect they deserve. Our last outing for the year was to the well-loved Two Oceans Aquarium , where the girls went on a guided tour. As we continued to encourage our fellow Larries to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable with our EnvironmentaLarrie of the Term campaign, we set out to spread some more positivity, with our Good News posts and our monthly newsletter, The Monthly Veg . Our year ended with the long-awaited Green Market Day in Term 3, where the Larries sold their home-made, thrifted and environmentally-friendly products (some fan favourites included the thrift stalls, home-made pottery, houseplants, and delicious vegan treats). Our new co-ordinator, Ms Annadene Malan, has given the committee a fresh, new perspective and never ceases to amaze us with her creativity and dedication to challenge the way we think in order to initiate change. T i a n a S t r i j d o m ( C h a i r p e r s o n )

G RO E N K OM I T E E VOOR: Jeanne du Toit,

Bianca van der Walt (Ondervoorsitter), mej. Annadene Malan (Koördineerder), Tiana Strijdom (Voorsitter), Amelie Ferreira AGTER: Naomi Boshoff, Marcél Dippenaar, Alix Hammond, Mia Blaauw, Liza Jacobs, Madison Thompson


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