La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
V R L / R C L
R E P R E S E N T A T I V E C O U N C I L O F L E A R N E R S We s t ar t ed o f f t he year by we l comi ng t he new Grade 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 l earner s . Each rece i ved a Lar r i e mask , as we l l as a Lar r i e keycha i n . The re spec t i ve RCL member s ac compan i ed t he new Lar r i e s around t he s choo l on a gu i ded t our , wh i ch ensured t ha t t hey wou l d f ee l a t eas e abou t s t ar t i ng t he i r new j ourney as Lar r i e f l ower s . Our fun-filled annual Fruit Festival was held on 11 February. The Daisies, creatively dressed as different fruit, paraded for the Miladies on the astro. There was much excitement on 8 April when the Matrics received their white jerseys. We owe Mrs Carol Cloete of the Larrie Boutique an enormous thank you for all the help with the process of acquiring the jerseys. The Matrics definitely wear them with pride.
The RCL members of the respective grades worked tirelessly to host the following entertaining social events: The Grade 9s had a ‘ Sokkie’ ; Together with the Grade 10 Dance Committee, a very successful Grade 10 Dance was held; The Grade 11s had an enjoyable Winter Ball. This year, the RCL also started an initiative, namely Market Monday for those enterprising Larries interested in private fundraising. Anything, from home made soap bars, thrift clothing and even deep-fried Oreos, were on sale on Mondays during first break! The RCL led an assembly on 26 August to celebrate Women’s Month. A guest speaker, Viwe Kobokana, delivered a motivational and uplifting message about empowering women. Ms Desrae Mills guided us during the first term, after which Mrs Carla Uys took over as liaison teacher of the RCL. We owe them much gratitude for their inspiring leadership. Many thanks also to the respective RCL members who ensured that a spirit of camaraderie exists at La Rochelle. It has been an absolute honour to work with everyone this year. S h a m i r a T i t u s ( C h a i r l a d y )
V R L / R C L
VOOR: Ayesha Hendricks, Frankie Montgomery, Jehan Dollie, mev. Carla Uys (Koördineerder), Shamira Titus (Voorsitter), Signe Pietersen, Rizia Seria MIDDEL: Káru van der Wal, Corin Joseph AGTER: Kelsey van Sitters, Nalene Visser, Sian Frankfort, Mekayla Griffiths, Lael Frankfort, Claire le Roux, Tinette le Roux
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