La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
IMKE ENGELBRECHT – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Vordering; Lid van die o.15-Bolandspan. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) CASSANDRA MALGAS – Certificate for Dedication and Perseverance; Member of the u.18 Boland Team. (Half Colours: New Award) AMOR NELL – Lid van die o.18-Bolandspan. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) MIENKE DU TOIT – Lid van die o.14-Wes-Kaapspan. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) SHANI VAN DER MERWE – Lid van die o.17-Wes-Kaapspan. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) HANNAH KRIEL – Member of the u.17 Western Cape Team; Member of Top 35 players in South Africa. (Full Colours: New Award) HANNAH OLIVIER – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding en Volharding; Lid van die o.18-Wes-Kaapspan (wen Goue Medalje by die SA Skole Telkom Netbalkampioenskappe); Lid van o.19-SA Telkom Netbalspan; Wisseltrofee vir Uitnemendheid in Netbal. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) MARONÉ UYS – Wisseltrofee vir die Junior Netbalspeler van die Jaar; Lid van die o.15-Wes-Kaapspan. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) o.14 A-SPAN: MILA DEVINE, MILA KRUGER, JACINDA RUTHVEN, MISCHA DU TOIT, SHANA LOCHNER, MARI VAN TONDER, MIENKE DU TOIT, RENATE HUMPHREY, SONIKA SERDYN – Wisseltrofee vir die Beste Juniorspan van die Jaar. THABISA YEKANI – Certificate for Leadership in Netball; Member of the u18 Western Cape Team; Member of Top 35 players in South Africa; Floating Trophy for Leadership. (Full Colours: Re-award) FIRST TEAM: THABISA YEKANI (C), GEMMA DU TOIT, HANNAH KRIEL, HANNAH OLIVIER, JADE ATKINS, LIZE MARIE BEUKES, MONJA STRYDOM, AMOR NELL, SHANI VAN DER MERWE, MARONÉ UYS – Floating Trophy for the Best Senior Team of the Year. JADE ATKINS – Member and Captain of the u.16 Western Cape Team; Gold Medal winner at South African Schools Competition; Member of SA Schools Team; Floating Trophy for Dedication in Netball; Mariana Schoeman Floating Trophy for the Senior Player of the Year. (Full Colours: Re-award) K R I E K E T CORNELIA DESTROO – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Krieket; Lid van die o.16-Boland Krieketspan na die Nasionale o.16 Krieketweek. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) U N D E RWA T E R H O C K E Y ASHLEY OOSTHUIZEN – Certificate for Achievement in Underwater Hockey; Member of u.15 Boland Team (3rd place at Junior Nationals). (Half Colours: New Award) EMMA KOCH – Sertifikaat vir Uitsonderlike Prestasie in Onderwaterhokkie; Lid van die o.18-Bolandspan, (2de plek by Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe); Lid van o.19-SA-span. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) E Q U E S T R I A N JANA JANSEN VAN NOORDWYK – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry. ELENA KRITZINGER – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry. JESSLYN VOSLOO – Certificate for Equestrian Achievement. CORELI COETZEE – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry. JANA JOUBERT – Sertifikaat vir Uitstaande Prestasie in Perdry; Lid van WP Show Jumping -span; Deelname by SA Jeug Kampioenskappe. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) JANI DREYER – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry; 3de plek by SANESA -streekskompetisie; Lid van Wes-Kaap B-span by Nasionale Kompetisie. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) CAITLIN ROBINSON – Certificate for Equestrian Achievement; Three 2nd places at SANESA Regional Championships; Member of
the Western Cape A Team at Nationals. (Half Colours: New Award) JANA BURGER – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry; Drie 1ste plekke en een 2de plek by SANESA - streekskompetisie; Lid van A-span by Nasionale Kompetisie. (Halfkleure: Hertoekenning) KATHARINE MALAN – Certificate for Equestrian Achievement & Leadership; 3rd place at SANESA Regional Championships; Placed overall 9th horse and rider combination at the show; Member of Western Cape Team at Nationals. (Full Colours: New Award) EMMA COETZEE – Sertifikaat vir Prestasie in Perdry; Drie 1ste plekke en een 3de plek by SANESA -streekskompetisie; Algeheel 5de perd- en ruiter-kombinasie by die skou; Lid vanWes Kaap A-span by Nasionale Kampioenskappe (algeheel 20ste). (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) MIZAAN SCHEEPERS – Certificate for Outstanding Equestrian Achievement; Two 1st places, three 2nd places and a third place at SANESA Regional Championships; Overall 2nd horse & rider combination at the show; Member of Western Cape A Team at Nationals (two 1st and two 3rd places (ranked 9th); Mari-Louise Hãmmig Trophy for Equestrian Excellence. (Full Colours: New Award) H O K K I E ZOË MALHERBE, RITA BERGH, MILA HAYES, KEIRA-LEE KOEKEMOER, ELSJE VAN HEERDEN, ANINKA MULLER, NINA GOODWIN, CAMI LE ROUX, JUANÉ LE ROUX – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Vordering. TINETTE LE ROUX, LKE DE VILLIERS, CARRA PERIKLEOUS, ANE VILJOEN, GRETHA DU TOIT, CLAIRE LE ROUX, SUMMER HARZENBERG, AIMEE WHITTEN, CARA PIETERS, JANI SNYDERS – Certificate for Dedication and Perseverance. CORIN JOSEPHS, MAKAZIWE GQIBA – Members of the u.14 Boland West Regional Team. (Half Colours: New Award) LEYLA WAGNER – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Progress; Member of the u.14 Boland West Regional Team. (Half Colours: New Award) MIA PIETERS – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Vordering; Lid van die o.14-Wes Bolandstreekspan. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) AIMEE FARMER – Member of the u.16 Boland Regional Team. (Half Colours: New Award) CHLOË FARMER – Member of the u.18 Boland Regional Team. (Half Colours: New Award) CADEY BECKER – Member of u.16 Boland IPT B Team at the u.16 National Hockey Event. (Full Colours: New Award) KIERA-LEE ABRAHAMS – Member of u.16 Boland IPT A Team at the u.16 National Hockey Event. (Full Colours: Re-award) JOHRÉ BLOMMETJIES – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Progress; Member of u.18 Boland IPT A Team at the u.18 National Hockey Event. (Full Colours: New Award) SIGNE PIETERSEN, MEGAN HAASBROEK – Floating Trophy for the Most Consistent Player of the Year. FIRST HOCKEY TEAM : SHAMIRA TITUS, CAROLINE NOYCE, MILAN HORN, SIGNE PIETERSEN, MEGAN HAASBROEK, CARMEN VERVAART, CHLOË FARMER, LUCIE ROSE, JOHRÉ BLOMMETJIES, JANI SNYDERS, JUANÉ LE ROUX, KAYLEIGH DA SILVA, KAYLA NICHOLS, ERIN MEYER, DANIELLE GALLOWITZ – Jackie de Stadler Floating Trophy for the Best Team Performance of the Year. CAROLINE NOYCE – Adéle Bothma Floating Trophy for The Top Goal Scorer of the Year (23 goals for the season; Hat-trick vs Somerset College); Member of u.18 Boland IPT B Team at u.18 National Hockey Event. (Full Colours: New Award) SHAMIRA TITUS – Certificate for Dedication and Perseverance; Charlene Lourens Floating Trophy for Outstanding Contribution to Hockey; MerlynMagennis Floating Trophy for The Player of the Year; Member of u.18 Boland IPT A Team at u.18 National Hockey Event; Member of South African u.18A National Team (three match Test Series against Namibia). (Full Colours: Re-award)
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