La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
The s eason o f sokk i e t ans and ear l y morn i ngs has come t o end f or 2022 . I t i s t ime f or some peop l e t o say goodbye , and be s t o f l uck t o t he Lar r i e t enn i s p l ayer s o f t he f u t ure . I t has t ru l y been an honour t o be t he Cap t a i n o f 2022 . Our talented tennis players competed with pride for our school and represented the following regional teams on tours: At the SA Interpro in Pretoria in March: Jade Atkins ( Cavaliers u/18A Team); Skyler Driver ( Cavaliers u/15A Team). Jordan Armstrong was selected to represent the Cavaliers u/18 for the Synergy Cup in Kimberley in the September holidays. The u/15 Team (Tineke Louw, Sienna Schmidt, Skyler Riddles and Kendra van Rooi) took part in the regionals of the National Rising Stars Tournament.
Jordan Armstrong, Tinieke le Roux, Amelie Pelham, Sienna Schmidt, Skyler Riddles, Kendra van Rooi and Mari Joubert represented La Rochelle at the Cradock Tournament and placed 13th. A special thank you to Mesdames Suné Geldenhuys and Anmari Davids for taking charge and supporting us next to the tennis courts at the beginning of the year. Ms Wanri Venter is now the head of tennis at La Rochelle and with her at the helm, we look forward to the new heights tennis at La Rochelle will attain. We also owe our Coach, Johnnie Zulch, an enormous thank you – for always having a smile on his face and teaching us new tips and tricks. A quote by Dean Karkazes reads as follows: ‘ Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must – just never give up !’ Me g a n Ha a s b r o e k ( C a p t a i n )
T E N N I S 1 9 A FRONT : Megan Haasbroek (Captain), Mr Johnnie Zulch (Coach), Jeanne du Toit BACK: Jordan Armstrong, Jade Atkins
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