La Rochelle Yearbook 2022
F R E N C H & G E RM A N S O C I E T I E S
B O N J O U R À T O U T E S ! Wha t an exc i t i ng year ! See i ng as t h i s year was our f i r s t Cov i d- f ree one s i nce 2020 , Emi l y Wi l l i ams , Frank i e Mon t gomery and I t ook i t upon our s e l ve s t o re - i gn i t e t he French f l ame i n La Roche l l e . The French Society started the year by designing, publishing, and distributing a beautiful Beginner’s Booklet for the grade 8 and 9 learners. We continued with the refurbishment of the French class and gave it some more je ne sais quoi by decorating it with blue, white, and red bunting flags. As per usual in term 1, the grade 8 learners paraded their French-inspired crafted hats on Mardi Gras. After
careful consideration, Leyla Wagner (8-) walk away with the first prize. A French and German Movie Night took place in term 2, where our fellow French and German classmates joined us for an evening of hot chocolate, popcorn and a Spanish film. In term 4, we participated in Market Monday where we sold éclairs and palmiers , both French delicacies. We had beaucoup d’amusement this year, spreading our love for the French language. I believe that the new society will follow in our footsteps to make 2023 even greater for le français. Vive le français a La Rochelle ! S h a n i v a n d e r Me r w e ( C h a i r p e r s o n : F r e n c h S o c i e t y )
D U I T S - & F R A N S K OM I T E E VOOR: Mej. Carmari Marais (Koördineerder: Duits), Bianca van der Walt (Voorsitter: Duits), Shani van der Merwe (Voorsitter: Frans), mnr. Frans Botha-Visser (Koördineerder) AGTER: Alix Hammond, Juané le Roux, Frankie Montgomery, Emily Williams
G E RM A N S O C I E T Y 2022 war e i n wunder s chönen Jahr mi t v i e l e Er i nnerungen . As the German Society, Alix Hammond, Juané le Roux and I grasped the year with innovative ideas and plenty of love for the German language – and we are proud of the mark we have made! At the beginning of the year, we had a German Workshop, where we made time for Freude . We played Kahoot with prizes to be won and listened to German
music. We had a Movie Night with the French Society, which brought girls from these two cultures together. In June, we said goodbye to Alix for about six weeks. She was a member of the FSA German Exchange group that went to Germany. We want everyone to be proud of the German language and to feel welcome in the German Society. I want to leave you with the following message: Komm wie du bist. Hier ist Platz für dich . Bi a n c a v a n d e r Wa l t ( C h a i r p e r s o n )
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