La Rochelle 2021
I am convinced they loved sharing not only a snack or two, but many panoramic views, taking countless selfies with magnificent backdrops and making many memories with the intrepid adventurers of the Outdoor Club. Thank you very much to all the dedicated ladies who served on the various committees over the years and who made my task that much easier and so much more fun. Our display on Open Day always attracted a great deal of interest. Die jaar se verrigtinge is op Saterdag, 27 Februarie afgeskop met ’n heerlike staproete op Paarlberg wat geëindig het met die hoogtepunt toe al 35 met trots op Paarlrots gestaan het. Ons het vir ten minste ’n uur daar vertoef terwyl ons nie net ietsie geëet het nie, maar ook die atmosfeer absorbeer het. Met Tafelberg in die agtergrond en omring deur die Bolandse berge, kan ’n mens nie anders as om in vervoering te raak nie. Die uitstappie na Kaappunt op Saterdag, 13 Maart was absoluut die moeite werd ten spyte van die lang rit en die hekgeld. Die sirkelroete van ±8km was gevul met opwindende staaltjies, pragtige fynbos, pronkerige volstruise, majestueuse elande en die asemrowende uitkyk oor die see van bo die ru rotse. Die dogters het daarop aangedring dat ons honderde trappe na benede tot by ’n afgesonderde paradysagtige strand moes klim. Die idiliese ligging se pret is amper deur ’n paar parmantige bobejaanmannetjies bederf wat met alle mag en mening ons rugsakke wou gaps. Die rit in die ‘Flying Dutchman’ tandratspoor na die lug- toring was ’n lekker beloning vir al die moeë bene. Om die botsende seestrome van bo te aanskou laat ’n mens in verwondering oor die natuur se krag. Nadat almal hulle watertand-lekker versnapperings verslind het, kon hulle ’n uiltjie in die bussies oppad huistoe geknip het. Op Saterdag, 27 Maart het twee skoolbussies volgelaai met luidrugtige Larries na die dorp Kylemore vertrek om
I t f e l t a s i f t h e O u t d o o r C l u b g r e w w i n g s t h i s y e a r a s t h e n u m b e r o f a c t i v e m e m b e r s s o a r e d t o i t s h i g h e s t l e v e l s i n c e t h e c l u b w a s f o u n d e d s i x y e a r s a g o . A s t h e t e a c h e r r e s p o n s i b l e f o r c o - o r d i n a t i n g t h e o u t i n g s , i t w a s a b s o l u t e l y m a r v e l l o u s t o s e n s e t h e k e e n i n t e r e s t a n d e x p e r i e n c e t h e e n t h u s i a s m i n a n t i c i p a t i o n o f e a c h u p c o m i n g e v e n t . Another unique feature of the outings this year specifically was the way in which friendship groups bonded while suffering a little together. The Grade 8s in particular were a very enthusiastic bunch who sometimes wandered off the planned route, but were eventually safely reunited with the rest of the group. Over and above the challenge of hiking and climbing; of appreciating the Cape’s majestic natural beauty; of stopping and chatting with other hikers en route, the safety and security of everyone in each group was of paramount importance to me. It was, therefore, a blessing and reassurance to have other men to help protect the ladies against any nasties. A person to whom I owe an enormous debt of gratitude is none other than Mr Jacques Philander. This incredibly amazing man proved his loyalty and dedication to the Outdoor Club beyond measure. Jacques literally and figuratively walked many extra miles for me and count - less numbers of girls over the years.
die staproete in die Banhoek Bewaringsgebied aan te durf. By die beginpunt het verskeie vriende en familielede by ons aangesluit om ons getal tot meer as 40 te laat grooi. ‘Banhoek’ is oorspronklik ‘Banghoek’ genoem, maar die Larries het bewys dat hulle nie ’n bang haar op hulle koppe het nie en gesels-gesels en met ’n huppel in die stap die sirkelroete plat gestap. Ons het heerlik by ’n stroom pie ontspan en ons verkyk aan die natuurskoon wat ook ’n trop elande ingesluit het. Die kersie op die koek na die tyd was ’n lieflike kuier by die Franschhoek-mark. Geen mens kan figuurlik moeg raak om een van die sewe natuurlike wonders van die wêreld uit te klim nie en derhalwe het nog ’n groot
He was not only my trusty right-hand man who acted as driver, sweeper and leader, but also often provided me with sound advice and clarity on choices of routes. I could with- out reservation count on him on so many occasions because of his extensive experience in hiking and his utterly reliable and responsible character. I will forever be grateful to him for his unselfish service to the Outdoor Club and the wonder- ful friendship we developed through blood, sweat and tears while conquering many moun- tains together. A special word of thanks to all the boyfriends, brothers, sis- ters, moms, dads and friends who accompanied the Larries.
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