La Rochelle 2021
On a more formal competitive level, we had no lack of achievements. After long Wednesday League nights and the new experience of debating via Discord, three of our teams (Junior B, Senior A and Senior B) competed in the Western Cape Provincial Tournament over two weekends from 31 July to 7 August, where our Senior B Team progressed to the quarter finals. Three of our speakers, Keira Green (Junior B), Hannah Prozesky (Senior B) and Zoë Vassilatos (Senior A) were selected for the Western Cape Trials, where Keira and Zoë were selected to compete in the South African National Championships, which will be taking place from 15 to 20 December. Overall, this year has been a great success for La Rochelle Debating. Haseena Allie and I have had the pleasure of leading a wonderful group of Larries through an amazing, albeit stressful, season and we all look forward to what 2022
The Debating Society has been as active as we possibly could be, given the circumstances. Between the masks, the screening and the social distancing, all four of our dedicated teams managed to take part in a very successful league of 2021. The Juniors particularly impressed us – they have all grown so much throughout the year in debating, and their enthusiasm and dedi- cation is truly admirable. That is not to say that the Seniors did not leave an impression. Even after missing the 2020 season and having to jump back into debating with unsure footing, I believe we all did very well and exhibited the passion we have for debating. As a society, we continued our Wednesday after- noon debating sessions and besides competing in the Boland League, we also held our annual Interhouse debates, with the final result as fol - lows: 1st – Cillié, 2nd – Murray, 3rd – Pride, 4th – De Villiers.
Wa t ’ n s u k s e s v o l l e j a a r v a n r e d e n a a r s ! A l h o e w e l e l k e l i e w e s p r e k e r h a a r s e l f a g t e r d i e k a m e r a b e v i n d h e t e n n i e a g t e r d i e g e b r u i k l i k e p o d i u m n i e w a s d i t ’ n o n g e l o o f l i k e e r v a r i n g ! Die redenaarspan het individueel deel- geneem aan ATKV-Redenaars, Podium Pret en Radikale Redenaars, waar al die dogters uitstekend gevaar het. As gevolg van die pandemie het Radi- kale Redenaars en ATKV-Redenaars vanjaar ’n ander formaat gevolg. ATKV het slegs een rondte gehad waarna die top sprekers van elke graad en provinsie aangekondig is. Twee van ons dogters sou in Oktober aan Ra- dikale Redenaars se finaal in Pretoria gaan deelneem, maar as gevolg van die pandemie is die finaal gekanselleer. Die meisies wat aan Podium Pret deelgeneem het, het tot die einde hard gewerk en moes driemaal video’s instuur vir die beoordeling om plaas te vind. Alhoewel die pandemie die dinamika van redenaars verskriklik beïnvloed het, was dit steeds ongelooflik om te kan deelneem en ’n mens se praat- en
may have in store for us. Zoë Vassilatos (Chairlady)
redenasievermoë te verbeter. Julindi Terblanche (Voorsitter)
D e b a t i n g FRONT: Nina Goodwin, Bronwyn Matthews, Haseena Allie (Vice-Chairlady), Mrs Tracy Meyer (Co-ordinator), Zoë Vassilatos (Chairlady), Shazia Gaffoor, Rizia Seria MIDDLE: Damienne Greenhalgh, Zahra Singh, Natanya Rossouw, Zahrah Docrat BACK: Hannah Prozesky, Klara Durr-Behrens, Cyhann Willcock, Amy-Elizabeth Murphy, Rachel Jewell, Lucy Molenaar, Keira Green R e d e n a a r s VOOR: Beryl Briers-Louw, me. Luzanne Oosthuizen (Koördineerder), Julindi Terblanche (Voorsitter), me. Carla Uys (Hulpkoördineerder), Daniell Lemmer AGTER: Amy Jacobs, Méla Botha, Jeanne du Toit
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