La Rochelle 2021


V C S V / S C A – I G N I T E

nificant role it plays in the life of a Godly woman. When we dress in the armour of God, we can stand firm in His truth, we are safe and secure because His righteousness guard our hearts, we can walk in peace according to His calling, we can stand protected from fear through faith, we can focus on Him, because of the salvation we receive and through the Spirit that lives in us, share His truth. Ons wil graag die span bedank wat in al ons drome gedeel het en bystand gebied het. Juf. Dun, Geldenhuys, Viljoen en Ackerman, dankie vir julle opofferings, liefde en dat julle met soveel grasie die Ignite-groep lei. Ons liefde en waardering vir julle is groot! Sarah, dankie dat jy leef, lei en liefhet soos ’n vrou van God. Ons is dankbaar vir jou en so bevoorreg dat jy jou hart en liefde vir God met ons deel. Dankie dat jy elke dogter individueel leer ken het en vir ons elkeen bid. It was an honour leading and serving alongside such an amazing group of girls. Thank you for all that we could learn from you and that you gave us the chance to share our stories with you. We love you all dearly! Sterkte aan die nuwe groep leiers. Mag julle ten alle tye God se naam verheerlik en in alles wat julle doen bly vashou aan Sy liefde en die wete dat Hy met julle is. Wees vreesloos! We are daughters of a King who is not moved by the world. For our God is with us and goes before us. We do not fear, because we are His. Liefde Adrienne Jaftha & Méla Botha

F o r G o d g a v e u s a s p i r i t n o t o f f e a r , b u t o f p o w e r , l o v e a n d s e l f c o n t r o l . – 2 T i m o t h y 1 : 1 7 This verse has a very special place in our hearts as the Ignite girls’ set out this year to be fearless. We wanted to equip our groups to step fearlessly into their purpose and calling. In a world that is ever-changing and brings about new obstacles way too often, we realized that we need women that know how to make important things happen by their faith. Therefore, in all things, faith over fear. Maandagaande by Ignite voel soos ’n kuier saam met familie. Die liefde, opwinding en abolute eerlikheid onder die groep was werklik iets om te ervaar. Ons is in verwon- dering oor die wyses waarop God werk en so dankbaar om te kan getuig van Sy goedheid en getrouheid. Vanjaar het ons vir die eerste keer besluit om die aanbieding van lesse en wyses waarop ons bybelstudie doen aan te pas. Ons was vreesloos met hierdie “leap of faith” en baie bly om te sien dat die groep ons koffie- kroeg aande, wor - ship sessies en kenmekaar speletjies ten volle geniet het. Ons het gegroei van 50 Larries met ’n liefde vir God, na 50 sussies in geloof. We believe one of the highlights of the year is the lesson Adrienne did on “Dressing for the occasion”. She discussed the Armour of God and the sig-


V C S V / S C A – I G N I T E VOOR: Fränzel Basson, mev. Danielle Viljoen (Koördineerder), Adrienne Jaftha (Chairlady), mev. Adéle Dun (Koördineerder), Méla Botha (Voorsitter), mev. Suné Geldenhuys (Koördineerder), Wené du Toit, mev. Soné Ackerman (Koördineerder), Clarissa Scholtz 2DE RY : Adél Doman, Suné Smit, Naomi Boshoff, Ronit Olivier, Magdel Barnard, Bronwyn Matthews, Kishné Aries, Inge van der Westhuizen 3DE RY: Sasha Samuels, Wilmari de Freitas, Nicola Rossouw, Jeanne du Toit, Shannon Donnelly, Daniell Lemmer, Tatum Bouwer, Amy Jacobs, Paris Willis, Tanya Beukes, Isha Govender 4DE RY: Jenna Henry, Chané Calitz, Elizabeth Lodewyk, Julindi Terblanche, Beryl Briers-Louw, Brenda du Toit, Danelle Walton, Layla Martin, Remi Borel-Saladin, Michaela Osswald, Chloë Farmer AGTER: Lize Lotz, Elsje-Mari Louw, Ameli Bruwer, Zanlie Visser, Cara Snyman, Jana Hayman, Alana Theron, Pippa Strydom, Dané Kenny, Anisha Masayiti, Kayla Portwig


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