La Rochelle 2021
K o s h u i s p r e f e k t e
VOOR: Nina Everson, mev. Lida Hendrikse (Koshuisbestuurder), Wené du Toit (Hoofmeisie), mev. Sonnet Vorster (Superintendent), Stella-Maria Horvath (Onderhoofmeisie), mej. Adéle Bothma (Hoof-Toesighouer), Tanya Beukes MIDDEL: Julindi Terblanche, Octavia Lawrence AGTER: Méla Botha, Zanlie Visser, Bianca Leighton, Jana Hayman, Ameli Bruwer, Anke van Coller
again. But nevertheless, I believe we made use of the time that we were granted and really seized every opportunity. The memories, laughter, mischief and friendships that we made will remain with us forever. I want to thank Mrs Sonnet Vorster and Ms Adéle Bothma for their continuous support and patience throughout the year. Our ideas and requests were sometimes crazy long shots, but we know you always found a way to bring back some sort of normality to the year by providing an alternative solution, despite all the extra Covid barriers. Wené, thank you for being the best partner that anyone could ever ask for. You were always there for me and you continued to support and encourage me. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have served with you and to have led such an amazing group of women. To the team: honestly one heck of a team! Thank you to all for your contribution and hard work. Our weekly hostel activities were always a huge success and I believe that all the good and bad times led us to who we are today. Koshuis Matrics of 2021, you all taught me what it means to be strong. You showed me what fun and adventure entails and you made me the person that I am today. I am grateful for all my friends who supported me every step of the way and who made the good times, that extra little bit better. I have an endless amount of love for all
of you and I wish only happiness and opportunities for your journeys ahead. May we always remember the mornings filled with loud music, the burnt microwave, the breakfast birthday parties, the Sunday rounders games and may we eventually find out who set off the fake fire drill. These are memories that will stay with me forever. I am so excited to see what lies in store for the Grade 8s. I really hope that they make the most of their time here at La Rochelle and enjoy every moment. To my Sot, Chappies: stay the special person that you are and continue to radiate energy, laughter and fun.
It was a privilege to be able to lead my South African family in 2021. Thank you all for this once-in-a- lifetime opportunity! Cara and Beryl, good luck with everything that 2022 may bring. I know both of you will lead with love, integrity and passion!
Stella-Maria Horvath (Deputy Head Girl)
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