La Rochelle 2021
Fortunately, Cupid was prepared for the task on hand with all the schools in Paarl and Stellenbosch celebrating Valentine’s Day on the same day, which meant we could deliver roses and brownies to the surrounding schools. Juffrou Lochner se verjaarsdag was baie spesiaal, siende dat dit haar laaste verjaarsdag saam met haar Larrie- familie sou was. Die hele skool het tydens register in die vierkant bymekaar gekom om vir haar te sing en die hoofleiers het haar namens die leerders geluk gewens. Ons het blomme (en wortelkoek!) aan haar oorhandig en dit was ’n groot voorreg om Juffrou Lochner as leier, maar belangriker, as mens, te vereer. The annual White Tea with Paarl Girls’ High was held in the Learning Centre and the theme was ‘ Celebrating Strong Women Leadership in Challenging Times ’. It was a lovely afternoon where we had the opportunity to learn more about leadership and where we could truly connect as leaders. It is a tradition that should never fade! Een van die hoogtepunte van die jaar was die Milady/Sot- fliekaand wat ons aan die einde van die eerste kwartaal gehou het. Almal het dit geniet en dit was ’n kans vir die matrieks en graad 8’s ommooi herrineringe te maak. Ons het ‘ High School Musical 1 ’ gekyk en die atmosfeer tussen al die saamsing en dans was opwindend en positief. All the Larries dressed up in vibrant colours to celebrate
G r e a t l e a d e r s d o n o t s e t o u t t o b e l e a d e r s . T h e y s e t o u t t o m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e . T h i s y e a r , t h e S t u d e n t C o u n c i l t r u l y t r i e d t o m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e i n t h e s c h o o l d e s p i t e t h e c h a l l e n g i n g t i m e s i n w h i c h w e f o u n d o u r s e l v e s . We started our first term off by having the annual Prefect Training Seminar, which was held at the Hostel for the first time due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It was a wonderful experience in which all the Prefects – hostel and school – had the opportunity to mingle and get to know one another better. Die kamp is afgesluit met die vlagseremonie die Sater dagmiddag en elke leier het hulle balkie ontvang wat deur hul ouers aangesteek is. Na die seminaar het ons reeds geweet dat hierdie span groot dinge gaan bereik! Bianca had the privilege of attending Die Burger’s ‘Youth Leadership Conference’, which was held in December 2020. It was the first time that this conference was held online and it was a huge success. During the three days, an exchange of ideas amongst the delegates from various schools contributed to different perspectives on leadership. A double first saw the Grade 8 Training Seminar which was held two days before schools started, while the twelve Grade 12 Prefects acted as facilitators for the different groups of Grade 8s. This afforded us the opportunity to get to know them a little better. The Seminar culminated on the Saturday afternoon with the traditional Milady- Sot Picnic, where the Miladies, Sotte and their parents could bond before the school year officially started. Die tema vir vanjaar se graad 8-Oriëntering was ‘ High School Musical’ . Ons het die eerste paar weke gebruik om die graad 8’s oor Larrie-wees te leer en wat die waardes van Larrie- wees is. Dit was weke gevul met pret: lag, sing en dans saam met vriendinne wat binnekort sussies sou wees. Unfortunately we could not have the annual 4G Athletics Meeting, but we held a ‘4G Redo’, where we sang war cries and painted one another’s faces. Nothing stopped us from having some 4G spirit! Die dogters het die dag van gees en opwinding vreeslik geniet en dit was spesiaal omdat ons bietjie tradisie kon behou. We also celebrated Valentine’s Day in March, which was a first, due to the schools only opening mid-February.
this year’s Youth Day. The theme we chose was ‘ Ubuntu’ , which means ‘ I am because you are ’ and ‘ A person is a person through other people ’. It is a concept of common humanity and unity. We collected R5s for civvies, which went towards an organisation called ‘ Ubuntu House ’ in Durbanville. The register classes could decorate their register classroom doors and the winning class won a prize. The band, ‘ Last Minute Plan/LMP ’, performed during break and it was a huge success. Leaders must be willing to let go of what worked yesterday and learn new ways of seeing, doing, and leading . – John C. Maxwell Vanjaar is ons as leiers definitief ge -
noodsaak om nuwe wyses van doen en lei te implimenteer. Die Studenteraad is trots op die werk wat ons verrig het en dat ons, ten spyte van uitdagende omstandighede, op die positiewe en mooi rondom ons gefokus het. Dit was ’n eer om die Larrie-familie te lei en die voorbeeld van liefde, aanvaarding en respek te stel. Ons wens vir Jeanne en Milan en hulle span sterkte toe vir hulle termyn as leiers. Geniet die nuwe Prefekkamer en onthou om daar te wees vir mekaar. Ons vertrou dat hulle vlot sal wees in liefde, altyd die mooi in die lelik soek, die avonture in elke toets raaksien en bly glo dat drome bereikbaar is. Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that the impact lasts in your absence . Bianca Leighton (Head girl) and Méla Botha (Deputy Head girl)
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