La Rochelle 2021
V a l e d i c t o r y m e s a g e t o t h e l i f e w i s e c l a s s o f 2 0 2 1
However, paging through the 2017 ANNUAL, I could not find one distraught face! On the contrary. Let us have a look: REGISTER CLASSES I remember on the first day: 8.1 (33) of you filed in … there were so many of you! … followed by 8.4 (27) That was half of the Grade 8s on that first day! And, at the beginning of March, 8-5 and I had some revision lessons on THE HOBBIT. In 8-1, I remember Clarissa was so small, she virtually disappeared in her desk. Someone else also disappeared … not because she was small … she got lost! Hoeveel keer het Anja nie soek ge raak nie? En, Anja, as jy uiteindelik by die klas uitgekom het, dan was dit sonder jou tas! Ek was so bekommerd dat Anke gaan koud kry, want sy het nooit langmoue gedra nie – net haar koor kortmou trui! And then: How were we to distinguish between the twins: Sascia/Skye or Kimberley/Samantha? • On 10 January – After the LADDER TALK , you met your MILADIES Graad 8’s, julle Miladies was ook eens op ’n tyd heel onder op die leer … en raai waar gaan hulle volgende jaar wees! Heel onder! Milady Emily wrote in her Student Council report: Our first big event was organising the welcoming of the newbies that joined the Larrie family: Your theme: FINDING DORY. W h o w o u l d h a v e t h o u g h t t h a t a n o r d i n a r y E n g l i s h L i t e r a t u r e l e s s o n a n d t h e d i s c u s s i o n o f a c h a r a c t e r , w h o w a s m o r e t h a n s a d , m o r e t h a n d i s a p p o i n t e d … h e w a s D I S T R A U G H T ( ‘ M ’ a m , h o w d o y o u s p e l l t h a t ? ’ ) , c o u l d h a v e h a d s u c h a n i m p a c t t h a t i t w o u l d b e c o m e t h e s l o g a n o n t h e 4 0 D AY S HO S T E L B A NN E R … a n d m i g h t I a d d , a u n i q u e l y p r i n t e d b a n n e r ?
DISTRAUGHT … since 2017
You were the last group who was allowed to go to town with your Miladies: You sizzled like bacon; Julle moes elke lamppaal omhels! You had to propose to random boys or trees en in ‘Ocean Basket’ het julle orals vir Dory moes soek. • Nog in die eerste week, die aand na die gr. 8-atletiek was dit die MILADY/SOT-PIEKNIEK saammet julle ouers: Deminey &MiladyWillemien; Cayla &Milady Lulu; Zanlie & Milady Minanka; Julindi & Milady Lené; Isha & Milady Amy; Lilly & Milady Megan; Katie & Milady Katerien. • Your Gr. 8 Camp was at Gevonden in Rawsonville … the faces in the photographs are not distraught … maybe disgusted because of the muddy water you were crawling through! • Julle was ’n kleurvolle vrugteslaai met aarbeie, waat- lemoene, piesangs, druiwe, pynappels en ’n avo by die VRUGTEFEES. • The theme of your first Father/Daughter Evening was MR T-SHIRT and painting t-shirts. That was a very civilized evening compared to the Quiz evening in 2018 and the MURDER MYSTERY in 2019! Dit was baie pret en baie geraas! • The theme of your first Mother/Daughter Evening was tea & coffee tasting and playing BINGO. In teenstelling met Pa-en Dogter-aande, was julle Ma-en-Dogteraande en Fresh on Faure baie beskaafde funksies … soos dit vir dames betaam! En die hoogtepunte en opwinding het oorgespoel na 2018, 2019 en die eerste 3 maande van 2020: • Die belangrikste: Akademies presteer julle elke jaar en handhaaf 30 en meer A-gemiddeldes.
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