La Rochelle 2021
P R I Z E - G I V I N G
CARA WILSON – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Toewyding, Deursettingsvermoë en Veelsydigheid in Atletiek in Naellope, Hekkies, Paalspring en Hoogspring. Anita Neethling – Wisseltrofee vir Vordering in Atletiek (300mH 46,01 pb), (400m 59,51 pb), (100m 13,74), (200m 27,04), (90mH 13,90) Hoogspring 1,45m.Lid van Boland Sub-Jeug Atletiekspan na ASA Nasionale Baan- en Veldkampioenskappe vir 300mH, 400m en Wisselaflos (Bronsmedalje). (Nuwe Toekenning: Volkleure) MIA WILSON – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Toewyding, Deursettingsvermoë en Vordering in Atletiek in D/16 Naellope (200m 26,14), (400m 58,36 pb) en Hekkies (300mH 44,54 pb), 90mH 14,41, 100m 13,47. Lid van Boland Sub-Jeug Atletiekspan na ASA Nasionale Baan- en Veldkampioenskappe vir 400m, Wisselaflos (Bronsmedalje) en 300mH (Bronsmedalje) 45,76. (Nuwe Toekenning: Volkleure) ZENADE OCTOBER – Certificate for Enthusiasm and Dedication in Athletics in the G/18 200m (26,74), 400m (59,00) and 800m (2:19,0). Sean Simpson Floating Trophy for Promising and Dedicated Athlete in the Middle Distances. Member of the Boland Junior team to ASA National Track and Field Championships. G/20 4th 4 x 400m Relay. Silver medal Mixed Relay 4 x 400m. (New Award: Full Colours) KIERA-LEE ABRAHAMS – Certificate for Enthusiasm, Dedication and Progress in Athletics in Sprints, 90m Hurdles and Long Jump. Floating Trophy for Most Versatile Junior Athlete (track and field) Sprints, 90m Hurdles and Long Jump. Floating Trophy for the best performance of the season for a Junior athlete G/16 90mH and Long Jump. Floating Trophy for best Junior Field Athlete of the year. SA G/16 Long Jump Champion (5,82m). Victrix Ludorum Athletics Floating trophy for Best Junior Athlete of the year (G/16 90mH 13,03pb and Long Jump 5,82m pb) 100m (12,82), 200m (27,67). Member of the Boland ASA G/16 Sub Youth Team to ASA National Track and Field Championships for 90mH 5th 13,27; Medley Relay (Bronze medal) and Long Jump SA Champion Gold medal 5,82m (pb). (New Award: Full colours) BRENDA DU TOIT – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Leierskap, Deursettingsvermoë en Toewyding in Atletiek in Naellope en Hekkies. Kaptein van die 2021-Atletiekspan. Wisseltrofee vir die Veelsydigste Senior Atleet: Naellope en Hekkies. Wisseltrofee vir Senior Baanatleet van seisoen vir 400mH (60,25 pb) en 400m (56,45 pb), 200m (26,08). Louw - wisseltrofee vir die Beste Atletiekprestasie van die seisoen: D/20 400m Hekkies 60,25 (pb), asook lid van die Boland Juniorspan na die ASA Nasionale Baan- en Veldkampioenskappe Bronsmedalje. Goue medalje 4 x 100m Aflos. Lid van die Senior Bolandspan na die ASA Nasionale Seniorkampioenskappe 400mH (9de) en verower ’n Bronsmedalje in die 4 x 400m Aflos. Victrix Ludorum Atletiek Wisseltrofee vir die Beste Senior Atleet van die Seisoen: 400mH en 400m. (Nuwe Toekenning: Volkleure) Hockey KIERA-LEE ABRAHAMS – Member of the Boland Hockey Team that played an 3-match Test Series against Western Province. (Half colours: New award). Half colours (Re-award): Member of the Boland Hockey Team that played an 3-match Test Series against Western Province. SHAMIRA TITUS, CAROLINE NOYCE, JOHRÉ BLOMMETJIES Netba l MARONÉ UYS – Lid van die Kaapse Wynland Netbalspan wat deelneem aan die Wes-Kaap proewe. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning)
Nina Everson.
Natanya Rossouw, Cyhann Willcock.
Quinne Ludick, Liana Human, Ameli Bruwer, Bianca van der Walt.
Shamira Titus, Johré Blommetjies, Kiera-Lee Abrahams, Caroline Noyce.
Signe Petersen.
Zoë Vassilatos.
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