La Rochelle 2021


K u l t u u r – S k o o l Mus i ek CARA SNYMAN – Trofee vir Beste Prestasie in Eksterne Praktiese Eksamens. Elize Scheepers -Trofee vir die Veelsydigste Musiekstudent in Graad 12. Elize Scheepers Hangertjie vir die Mees Toegewyde Musiekstudent in graad 12. Slaag UNISA graad 6 Tjello met Lof (80%) en UNISA Musiekteorie graad 5 met Lof. (Volkleure: Hertoekenning) ANKE VAN COLLER – Parkin - trofee vir die Mees Toegewyde Sangstudent in graad 12. Redenaar s JULINDI TERBLANCHE – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme en Leierskap in Redenaars, Voorsitter 2021. Dring deur na die finale rondte van die Radikale Redenaars Kompetisie. MÉLA BOTHA – Neem deel aan die Internasionale Uitvoerende Kunste Kompetisie, wat deur Pole en Ierland aangebied is. Behaal ’n 2de Laureate of Silwer Toekenning, wat beteken dat sy meer as 80% behaal het en ’n 2de plek in haar afdeling verower het. Die Federasie van Uitvoerende Kunste Suid-Afrika ken aan haar SA Kleure toe vir haar internasionale deelname. (Volkleure: Hertoekenning) DANIELL LEMMER – Dring deur na die finale rondte van die Radikale Redenaars Kompetisie. Debat MÉLA BOTHA – Sertifikaat vir Entoesiasme, Toewyding en Leierskap in Debat. Voorsitter 2021. Dring deur na die semi- finale rondte van die ATKV Debat Kompetisie in 2020: AMELI BRUWER, LIANA HUMAN, QUINNE LUDICK BIANCA VAN DER WALT Debat i ng Certificate for Achievement in Debating: CYHANN WILLCOCK, AMY-ELIZABETH MURPHY NATANYA ROSSOUW, HASEENA ALLIE NINA GOODWIN, RACHEL JEWELL BRONWYN MATTHEWS, RIZIA SERIA Half Colours (New Award): Represented Boland (Junior Division) at the Western Cape Schools’ Provincial Debating Championships. CYHANN WILLCOCK, AMY-ELIZABETH MURPHY, NATANYA ROSSOUW KEIRA GREEN – Certificate for Outstanding Achievement in Debating. Represented Boland (Junior Division) at the Western Cape Schools’ Provincial Debating Championships. Selected to attend Western Cape Trials, after which she was chosen to represent the Western Cape at Nationals. (Half Colours – New Award). Longland Floating Trophy for the Best Junior Orator. Half Colours (Re-Award): Represented Boland (Senior Division) at the Western Cape Schools’ Provincial Debating Championships. HASEENA ALLIE, NINA GOODWIN, RACHEL JEWELL, BRONWYN MATTHEWS, RIZIA SERIA HANNAH PROZESKY – Certificate for Outstanding Achievement in Debating. Represented Boland (Senior Division) at the Western Cape Schools’ Provincial Debating Championships where she ranked 15th overall in the Senior Division. Selected to attend Western Cape Trials. (Half Colours: Re-Award)

ZOË VASSILATOS – Certificate for Outstanding Achievement in and Dedication to Debating. Debating Chairlady 2021. Represented Boland (Senior Division) at the Western Cape Schools’ Provincial Debating Championships. Selected to attend Western Cape Trials, after which she was selected to represent the Western Cape at Nationals. (Half Colours: Re- Award). Gail Fisher Floating Trophy for Best Senior Orator. Avant i BIANCA VAN DER WALT – Sertifikaat vir verskeidenheid van bydraes tot die Avanti gelewer. INGE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN – Sertifikaat vir Uitstekende Joernalistiek. I MAN ALLIE – Certificate for Excellence in Journalism. MIA BLAAUW – Sertifikaat vir Toewyding en Innovering. Landsdi ens LUANNE DU PLESSIS – Verteenwoordig die Wes-Kaap by die Nasionale Kamp. (Halfkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) One Act Pl ay Best Advertising – Rosendal Stasie : HÉLÈNE WESSELS, ZANLIE VISSER, ANERINE VAN WYK, MIEKE SIEBRITZ, AMBER CHRISTIANS Best Ensemble – Rosendal Stasie : HÉLÈNE WESSELS, ZANLIE VISSER, ANERINE VAN WYK, MIEKE SIEBRITZ, AMBER CHRISTIANS Best Play – Rosendal Stasie : HÉLÈNE WESSELS, ZANLIE VISSER, ANERINE VAN WYK, MIEKE SIEBRITZ, AMBER CHRISTIANS ANERINE VAN WYK – Best Supporting Actress (Antjie Willemse) in Rosendal Stasie SIGNE PETERSEN – Best Lead Actress (Keres) in The One Who Did It . HÉLÈNE WESSELS – Best Script – Rosendal Stasie . INGE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN – Best Director – The One Who Did It . EMMA KOCH – Beste Ondersteunende Regisseur – Rosendal Stasie . K u l t u u r – B u i t e s k o o l v e r b a n d Dans IMKE MARTINS – Verwerf Nasionale Kleure vir twee dans items. Goud in die Ope-afdeling en Silwer in die Lyrical/ Contemporary/Modern – afdeling. Neem deel aan Talent America en behaal ’n eerste plek. (Volkleure: Nuwe Toekenning) Full Colours (New award): Participated at the South African Championships from 17 – 19 September. Members of two dance groups that were placed 1st and 3rd. They received their SA Dance Colours and qualified for the international competition. LARA WHATNEY, KIERA BATTS, ARIANNE FLORIS Ba l l et ELIZE KOTZÉ – Behaal 88% in haar Cecchetti Advanced One – balleteksamen.(Volkleure – Nuwe Toekenning)


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