Handbook for Irrigation of Wine Grapes in South Africa


Myburgh, P.A., 2011k. Effect of different irrigation strategies on vineyards in sandy soil in the Lower Olifants River region (Part 5): Growth, yield and quality of Sauvignon blanc. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2011, 33-35. Myburgh, P.A., 2011l. Determining the contribution of soil water status and selected atmospheric variables on water constraints in grapevines. Project WW13/14, Final report to Winetech. ARC Infruitec- Nietvoorbij, Private Bag X5026, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Myburgh, P.A., 2012a. Comparing irrigation systems and strategies for table grapes in the weathered granite-gneiss soils of the Lower Orange River region. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 33, 184-197. Myburgh, P.A., 2012b. Evaluation of an electro- mechanical water conditioner for irrigation of table grapes with saline water. S. Afr. Fruit J. August/ September 2012, 44-46. Myburgh, P.A., 2012c. Guidelines for vineyard irrigation with saline water. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 94-96. Myburgh, P.A., 2013. Effect of shallow tillage and straw mulching on soil water conservation and grapevine response. S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 30, 219-225. Myburgh, P.A., 2015. A lysimeter study to determine input values for a simple parametric soil evaporation model for vineyards. S. Afr. J. Plant Soil, 32, 1-8. Myburgh, P.A., 2016. Estimating transpiration of whole grapevines under field conditions. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 37, 47-60. Myburgh, P.A., Cornelissen, R.J. & Southey, T.O., 2016. Interpretation of stem water potential measurements. Wineland June, 78-80. Myburgh, P.A. & Howell, C.L., 2012a. Comparison of three different fertigation strategies for drip irrigated table grapes - Part 1. Soil water status, root system characteristics and plant water status. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 33, 264-274. Myburgh, P.A. & Howell, C.L., 2012b. Possible causes of infiltration problems in drip irrigated vineyards in the Breede River valley. Wynboer Technical Yearbook 2012, 87-89. Myburgh, P.A. & Howell, C.L., 2014a. Assessing the ability of fodder beet ( Beta vulgaris L. Brigadier) to absorb sodium from a soil irrigated with sodium- enriched water. S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 31, 113-115. Myburgh, P.A. & Howell C.L., 2014b. The impact of wastewater irrigation by wineries on soil, crop growth and product quality. WRC Report No. 1881/1/14. Water Research Commission, Private

Bag X03, Gezina, Pretoria, 0031, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-4312-0591-2. Myburgh, P.A. & Howell, C.L., 2015. Guidelines for preventing over-irrigation of table grapes. S. Afr. Fruit J. June/July 2015, 50-53. Myburgh, P.A., Lategan, E.L. & Howell, C.L., 2015, Infrastructure for irrigation of grapevines with diluted winery wastewater in a field experiment. Water SA 41, 643-647. Myburgh, P.A. & Moolman, J.H., 1991. The effect of ridging on the soil water status of a waterlogged vineyard soil. S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 8, 184-188. Myburgh, P.A. & Moolman, J.H., 1993. The effect of ridging on the temperature regime of a waterlogged vineyard soil. S. Afr. J. Plant Soil 10, 17-21. Myburgh, P.A. & Piaget, J., 1990. Full surface wetting can lead to problems in fruit orchards: A case study. Deciduous Fruit Grower 40, 66- 69. Myburgh, P.A. & Van Der Walt, L.D., 2005. Cane water content and yield responses of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultanina to overhead irrigation during the dormant period. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 26, 1-5. Myburgh, P.A., Van Zyl, J.L. & Conradie, W.J., 1996. Effect of soil depth on growth and water consumption of young Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. 17, 53-62. N Naor, A., Gal, Y. & Bravdo, B., 1997. Crop load affects assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, stem water potential and water relations of field- grown Sauvignon blanc grapevines. J. Exp. Bot. 48, 1675-1680. O Ojeda, H., Andary, C., Kraeva, E., Carbonneau, A. & Deloire, A., 2002. Influence of pre- and postveraison water deficit on synthesis and concentration of skin phenolic compounds during berry growth of Vitis vinifera cv. Shiraz. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 53, 261-267. Olivo, N., Girona, J. & Marsal, J., 2009. Seasonal sensitivity of stem water potential to vapour pressure deficit in grapevine. Irrig. Sci. 27, 175-182. P Patakas, A., Noitsakis, B. & Chouzouri, A., 2005. Optimization of irrigation water use in grapevines using the relationship between transpiration and plant water status. Agric. Eco. Environ. 106, 253- 259.


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