COVER CROPS in South African Vineyards
Brassicas The brassicas discussed in this book were evaluated in a trial described in Coastal Region in Chapter 9 (p170). Brassicas have been shown to have biofumigation properties, and the trial assessed their effect on disease-causing nematodes of grapevines.
FIGURE 3.11. White mustard (Sinapis alba) . Note the dense flowerhead compared to caliente ( Brassica juncea ) (Figure 3.12). Flowers are borne in clusters at the end of the flower stem. (Photo: Intelligro).
FIGURE 3.12. Caliente ( Brassica juncea ). Note the loose flowerhead compared to white mustard (Figure 3.11). Flowers are borne in clusters at the end of the flower stem. (Photo: Intelligro).
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