Boishaaier 2022
Me s s ag e f r om t h e h e ad boy
hemp, chino en ’n ferm handdruk in die eerste weke van Augustus sal als weer wakker gemaak word, herinneringe sal herleef, stories uit die verlede sal vertel word, name sal weer weergalm, en kennisse sal weer vriende word. Die brotherhood of the blue blazer sal weer sy titel in ewigheid beskerm. Manne, die klok het sy wysers stom geloop en die tyd het aangebreek om mekaar te groet. Vyf jaar se bloed, sweet en trane in ’n oogwink verby. Sing-songs, parades, Vrydagaande op die Astro, Saterdae langs die veld, die krete, die draai ná periodes, interskoles is als nou deur die wind verwaai om te gaan l ê as ou herinneringe in die grysstof van jou brein. Ons raak weer aan dieselfde vlag waaraan ons vyf jaar gelede as twygies geraak het om die boek te sluit. Deur die jare het ons wortels geskiet, ons takke het gegroei en ons blare het geblom, maar dit was nie ons alleen nie. Dis te danke aan elke onderwyser, elke ouer, elke skoonmaker, elke koshuisvader en elke werker dat ons vandag hier sit. Ek weet medaljes word van goud gemaak, maar mense soos julle wie vir ons opgeoffer het, is goud werd. Aan die matrieks van 2023. Ons laat die skool in jul hande en doen so met ’n geruste hart. Deur die jaar het julle ons help dra aan al die bagasie. Julle was ons regterhand, die mense op wie ons altyd kon staatmaak. Saam met julle het
ons ’n eenheid geword. Dit was ’n voorreg en ek sou weer, as ek kon, die pad saam julle wou stap. Ons wens julle alle sterkte toe. Ons weet julle kan. worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. Nelson Mandela said: There is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that’s less than the one you’re capable of living. There is an old IQ test consisting of nine dots, and you had to draw five lines within these nine dots without lifting the pencil, and the only way to do it was to go outside the box. This box often symbolises life. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, to fail big, and to dream big but remember the words of Denzil Washington: Dreams without goals are just dreams. Thomas Edison conducted 1 000 failed experiments because the 1 001st was the lightbulb. Every failed experiment in life is one step closer to success. We will fail at some point in our life. We will; it is inevitable. We must accept it; we will lose, embarrass ourselves, and things won’t always go our way. There is an old saying in life: if you hang around the barbershop long enough, sooner or later, you’ll get a haircut. If you continue to fail in life and keep I want to leave you with the following. Nothing in life is
trying no matter the cost, you’ll get your cut. Success will come to you. The point I want to make. All of us sitting here are blessed with the education and talent to succeed but do we have the guts to fail? If we don’t fail, we are not even trying. If we don’t fail, we are not even trying. To get something in life you never had, you have to do something you never did. To end off, I want to paint you a picture. So, imagine you are on your deathbed, and standing around you are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential, the ghosts of the ideas you never acted on, the ghosts of dreams you had, and the ghosts of the talents you had and they are standing around your bed angry, disappointed and upset. They say we came to you because you could have brought us to life, and now we have to go to the grave together. So, I am asking you today. How many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes? Ek wil vandag die laaste tien sekondes wat Boishaai my bied opdra aan Van Reenen wat vandag saam met ons hier sou uitloop. Ek vra dat almal asb net hulle hoofde sal buig vir ’n paar sekondes van stilte. The twig became a tree. Thank you.
BO I SHAA I 1 5 4 Y E AR S
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