Boishaaier 2020
MNR D SWART Skoolhoof
Die HJS-familie Aan die einde van 2020 is dit met groot dankbaarheid dat ons hierdie jaarblad die lig kon laat sien, en ons gee ’n stewige rondte applous vir mnr Sté- fan van Hansen en sy span hiervoor. Dum anima est, spes est, said the Romans. Where there’s life, there’s hope … And there is certainly no circumstance in which it was truer than this year. And yes, I dis-
As is always the case when a disaster of this kind hits, some people get numbed by fear and try to hide away in the smallest corner behind the rules and regulations, their dread manifesting in total inactivity. Others, however, jump into action! They tackle the problem head on, create possible scenarios and devise the most logical ways to meet the crisis with every inch of creativity in their psyche, even if it means being totally unorthodox in the process. If there was one lasting lesson I wanted our boys to learn, it was this one. Natuurlik tel die bestuur, beheerliggaam en personeel van die HJS onder laasgenoemde groep. En met verloop van tyd het ek weer eens terdeë verstaan wat Rudyard Kipling in sy gedig If bedoel het toe hy gesê het: “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you”, maar, met die hulp van baie van u, onder andere die OSU (meer spesifiek die president, dr Kobus Uys en voorsitter, Arno Nel) is die swaar wa van Covid-19 deur die baie modderige drif van 2020 getrek. Daarom kan ons met ’n oortuigde gemoed sê dat ons seuns liggaamlik en geestelik optimaal gestimuleer is. Benewens gereelde gesprekke met seuns oor hul individuele, emosionele hantering van hierdie nuwe omstandighede, waar ons optimale ondersteuning van die GLOO-afdeling van die Kaapse Wynland Onderwys- distrik ontvang het, het die gekontroleerde kardiovaskulêre oefeninge, fyn bestuurde gimnasiumwerk en sportoefeninge,
agree with everybody who meets me in the street and tells me what a terrible year it was; the eternal duality between good and bad situations will forever be the nature of life. The big question is, how does one react in the face of such adversity? How does one, indeed, make lemonade when life hands you a lemon? As the eternal optimist, I always look for that which is posi- tive. There never will be sunshine without rain. Therefore, positives from 2020 include the following: my fellow teach- ers and I were forced to up the ante and be more adaptable, acquire new educational skills such as Google classroom, learn to outwit terrible circumstances, think creatively and retain the focus on the best interest of the boys in our care.
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