Boishaaier 2020
Dum anima est, spes est , said the Romans. Where there’s life, there’s hope …
met inbegrip van die reël van ’n aflosatletiekbyeenkoms en krieketwedstryde, alles positief daartoe meegewerk. Ons glo ons seuns hou ook by die oefenprogramme wat hulle van mnr Ryno Rust en sy kondisioneringsdepartement ontvang het. Ek kan ook rapporteer dat daar verskeie stimulerende ak- tiwiteite vir die seuns plaasgevind het, op kreatiewe wyse deur die personeel van die HJS gereël namate hulle deur die bestaande reëls en regulasies toegelaat is. Sien gerus die res van hierdie publikasie vir meer details. Op die akademiese front het planne soos onmiddellike ekstra klasse vir matrieks ten einde verlore werk so gou moontlik in te haal, die afhandel van soveel moontlik oor- spronklike werk wat nou skielik buite die verskraalde silla- bus geval het sodat die res van ons seuns so goed moontlik toegerus kon wees vir 2021, alles bygedra tot die groot mate van sukses wat behaal is. Die skryf van ’n volle eksamen vir die hele skool in September, wat ons seuns, volgens hul eie erkenning, heelwat meer eksamenfiks en gereed gemaak het vir die eindeksamen, het net nog ’n effektiewe idee geblyk te wees. Die HJS-slagspreuk “so vinnig as moontlik so normaal as moontlik” was suksesvol as motivering, so- dat ons kan aankondig dat die slaagsyfer vir gr 8–12 vir die Novembereksamen in 2020, op nerf na 99% is. In closing, the real essence of that which will eternally be Paarl Boys’ High made itself clear as never before. The truth in the psychological view that a crisis does not change people, it only brings to the fore the real essence of char- acter, manifested iself. Yes, certain boys made mistakes,
given the pressure and strangeness of circum- stance, but some handled it in the gentlemanly way, namely to recognize their transgres- sion and to offer a proper apology for it. It showed the willingness of the real Boishaaier to face hardships, but still smile, put the boots on and face the world yet again with confidence and strength of heart. One of the problems faced was, of course, the absence of a pavilion, where boys could sing and cheer rowdily, arm in arm, facing a com- mon enemy. This had a detrimental effect on our boys’ spirit. It is to be hoped that we will not have to go through this again in 2021. Finally, I acknowledge the hand of our Good Lord in our lives and the fate of Paarl Boys’ High. Without his help, the amaz- ing feat of courage delivered by this community in the year of 2020 certainly would not have happened. Permit me to wish you all a love-filled Christmas and a much better 2021. Because of all this, we may confidently lift a final glass and say: Thank you for the lessons learnt and the skills acquired in 2020. But, once more unto the breach dear friends, once more … So, 2021, ready or not ... HERE COME THE BROTHERS OF THE BLUE BLAZER! Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus
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