Boishaaier 2019


S tass Nel is verkies as Mr Style en Joseph Piper en Javier Farmer het onderskeidelik tweede en derde plekke behaal. Faffa Kloppers is 2019 se Mnr Fotogenies en Niel Venter is deur sy medefinaliste verkies as Mnr Persoonlikheid. This year, we were honoured to have the energetic Willem Botha as our master of ceremonies, who entertained the audience not only with his lively performance but also with amusing anecdotes. The expert judging panel included Old Boys Edwin van der Walt and Yann Friederich as well as the beautiful Jaunri du Toit. Soos gewoonlik moes die finaliste aan die gehoor en beoordelaars wys wat dit beteken om ’n ware heer te wees in vandag se samelewing. Elke finalis het die naam van ’n land uit ’n hoed

I n F e b r u a r i e h e t o n s d i e j a a r l i k e S t y l e E v e n t a a n g e b i e d .

getrek en moes die land aan die gehoor uitbeeld. Hulle moes ook ’n stylvolle persoon afkomstig van dié land identifiseer en aan die gehoor verduidelik waarom hulle hom of haar as stylvol ervaar. Oudergewoonte het die finaliste ook ’n stemopname gemaak waarin hulle meer oor hulself vertel en wat tydens die vertoning gespeel is. Hierdie stemopnames en video’s het getuig van stylvolle jong manne met wie die skool kan spog en op wie hulle trots kan wees. This year we were honoured to be supported by numerous sponsors who ensured that all the finalists and prize-winners felt special. Most importantly, the aim of identifying a young man as Mr Style is not to find a matric learner with a pretty face, but to find a young man who truly is a gentleman living a balanced life as a learner of our illustrious school. Paarl Boys’ High would therefore like to thank all who took part in the event and contributed to its success.


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