Boishaaier 2019

D i e e f f e n s w a r m e r w e e r , h e l d e r s o m e r k l e u r e e n d i e r e u k v a n v a r s j a s m y n h e r i n n e r o n s d a t n o g ’ n l a a t l e n t e , e n d i e g e p a a r d g a a n d e o m - d i e - d r a a i j a a r e i n d e , u i t e i n d e l i k m e t o n s i s .

Dié koor behaal ook die tweede plek in Wes-Kaapse eindronde van kykNET se “Sing in Harmonie”-program. Die drumline én Cantare (sowel as verskeie individue) wen kategorieë by Paarl-Vallei-eisteddfod, en Nico Smit word op UNISA se ererol geplaas vir die Graad 3-teorie-eksamen. Op toneelgebied het twee van Hoër Jongenskool se leerders pryse by die kykNET Nasionale Toneelspelkompetisie vir Hoërskoolleerders gewen en sodoende in die spore van bekende oudstudent Gregory Kriek gevolg. Nico Smit in graad 9 het die Kirjan Schultz-toekenning as die beste junior van die kompetisie ontvang, en Armand Barnard in graad 12 het die kontant- aanmoedigingsprys gewen. Furthermore, Kent Fobian was selected for the Protea team to compete in international debating and Kian Ontong for the SA A-team. On the academic side, the matric class of 2018 showed the way with the following: A total of 22 A-averages, 259 subject A’s, maintaining a class average of 66%. University exemption was attained by 85% of the class and 99,4% got tertiary exemption. The mathematics class occupied the fourth place in the province according to Die Burger’s independent assessment. We also congratulate our top achiever, Gerard de la Bat, with his average of 92,3%. The Grade 9 class of 2018 also received accolades in the systemic tests. Matthew Didloff was a prizewinner at the prestigious Nedbank economics examination and presentation. Kenneth Janson received a bronze medal in the South African Mathematics Foundation Olympiad. Some Paarl Boys’ High Old Boys also hit the news. Bjorn Fortuin was selected for the Protea T20 side for a series against India. Frans Malherbe and Thomas du Toit lifted the prestigious Willam Webb Ellis-trophy high as part of the successful Springbok squad during the past World Cup. A great step forward in placing Paarl Boys’ High on the highest of levels, professionally, was taken in the appointment of Old Boy, Mr Willem Erwee, as the head of marketing. Already he and his department has put a whole new spin on social media,

the management of Interschools media by means of a proper press conference, management of sponsors, the introduction of BoishaaiTV and the marketing of Paarl Boys’ High events in general. Na die euforie van 2018 se 150-jaarvieringe, herinner ons onsself weer daaraan dat ons in ’n besonder mededingende omgewing lewe wat binne sekondes kan verander. Ons sal opnuut hiervoor moet herstrategiseer. Toekomsstudie word ook al hoe belangriker, veral in hedendaagse onderwys. Die totale konseptualisierng van opvoedkunde sal sigself moet voorberei vir die onderwysstelsel van die toekoms, waar onderwysers waarskynlik rolle sal verwissel van kennisoordraers na fasiliteerders van etiek. Dis juis laasgenoemde taak wat ’n besonderse uitdaging behoort te wees, gegewe juis die agteruitgang in etiese gedrag wêreldwyd. Dis egter ’n stryd wat nooit bes gegee moet word nie.

Die kernbesigheid van die HJS is en bly steeds om ’n jong man die wêreld in te stuur wat verstaan dat sy taak is om ’n positiewe verskil in ’n baie negatiewe wêreld te maak – en wat verstaan dat hy daarvoor toegerus is. Daar sal dus, gegewe die uitdagings vanuit ons omgewing, en spesifiek die verdagmaking van tradisionele waardes en norme deur

humanistiese beginsels, hierrondom strategie bepaal moet word. In truth, more emphasis will need to be put on concepts traditionally discussed, improved and implemented at our beloved old school, such as the school’s three traditions, the three R’s (respect for oneself, respect for one’s fellow planet- dweller, and responsibility-acceptance), as well the five principles of gentlemanship (introduction; presentation; action-selection; positive difference; and respect for all, fear for none). And now, after all the planning sessions have been completed, all the scripts have been marked, and all the positive memories of 2019 safely stored in the vaults of the mind, all that remains is to lift our glasses high, toast the new year… and celebrate the

fulfillment of dreams to come! Tandem Fit Arbor Surculus



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