Boishaaier 2019
Die span behaal 10 eerste plekke, 2 tweede plekke, 3 derde plekke, 1 vierde plek, 2 vyfde plekke en 3 sesde plekke. B-SPAN o. 15 Bevan Simons (1) 200 m 22,6 s 833 (1) 400 m 53,0 s 727 Ethan Isaacs (3) Verspring 5,99 s 613 (2) Driesprong 11,98 s 501 Luke van Schoor (1) Driesprong 12,53 s 581 (5) Verspring 1,65 s 532 o. 16 Dian Kruger (6) 1 500 m 4:50,45 596 (3) 800 m 2:06,08 587 Rynardt Botha (2) Spiesgooi 46,80 m 368 o. 17 Luciano Custodio (2) 110 m-hekkies (91,4 cm) 15,2 s 803 (3) 400 m-hekkies (84 cm) 60,7 s 589 (2) Driesprong 13,18 s 601 Luke van Schoor (5) Driesprong 12,91 s 564 Rynardt Botha (2) Spiesgooi 51,04 m 446 Die span behaal 3 eerste plekke, 5 tweede plekke, 3 derde plekke, 2 vyfde plekke en 1 sesde plek. C-SPAN o. 14 Rossouw Malan (3) 400 m 57,5 s 623 Leo van der Werf (4) 3 000 m 10:22,72 709 (4) 1 500 m 5:01,87 574 Shah-Jehaan de Jongh (3) 300 m-hekkies (84 cm) 43,9 s 634 (1) Verspring 5,86 s 627 Jacques Rossouw (1) Hoogspring 1,65 m 577 Erik Viljoen (1) Spiesgooi 47,08 m 370 o. 15 Ivano Richards (4) 100 m 11,7 s 746 Gratias Mukiapini (1) Hoogspring 1,80 m 691 Die span behaal 4 eerste plekke, 2 derde plekke en 3 vierde plekke. C. High School Bredasdorp Top 10 Athletics Meeting (Saturday 20 October 2018) For the first time since 2014 PBHS again took part in this meeting which was organised by High School Bredasdorp. • Of the best athletes in the South Western Districts, Boland and Western Province participated in this meeting. A team of Grey College (Bloemfontein) also took part. • An athlete may compete in any number of events, but only in one age group. • The team competition includes a maximum of 10 members, girls as well as boys. PBHS competed only with boys . • The ten best performances (per team) of the athletes according to the ASA table determine the winning schools. • Only the first six positions per event are taken into account. • In the track events the best athletes did not always compete against one another because the most events consisted of various races determined on times. PBHS’ ahtletes competed in the category High Schools with more than 600 learners and did exceptionally well despite a heavy grass track and strong winds. Noteworthy performances : • Luciano Custodio (U16) did brilliantly by winning the 400 m hurdles (84 cm) for boys U17 in a record time of 55,2 s (previous record 55,7 s). • Of all the athletes Coetzee le Roux obtained the highest point on the ASA table namely 960 points for his distance of 17,84 m in the shot put for boys U15. Our teams were placed as follows: A-team 7th with 7630 points, B-team (only 5 athletes) 44th with 3 824 points and the C-team 21st with 6 448 points. The points achieved by the first three teams are as follows: 1. Paarl Gimnasium 8719 2. Outeniqua High School 8443 3. High School Brackenfell 8130
The following athletes were placed among the first six : (Points are allocated according to the ASA tables.) A-TEAM U14 Christopher Hendriks (4) 100 m 12,2 s 638 (4) 200 m 25,1 s 642 U15 Jacques de Villiers (1) 100 m hurdles (84 cm) 14,25 s 790 (3) 100 m 11,6 s 711 Keagan Smith (3) 100 m hurdles (84 cm) 14,4 s 777 (4) 300 m hurdles (84 cm) 42,5 s 669 Ivano Richards (5) 100 m 12,0 s 651 (5) 200 m 24,4 s 665 Coetzee le Roux (U15) (1) Shot put 17,84 m 931 (5) Discus throw 47,90 m 751 U17 Luciano Custodio ( U16 ) (1) 400 m H (84 cm) 55,2 s 755 ( new meeting record ) (3) 200 m 23,1 s 732 Jannes Marais ( U16 ) (1) 1 500 m 4:27,81 690 Rhynardt Rijnsburger (1) Discus throw 46,20 m 741 (2) Shot put 15,31 m 752 The team obtained 4 first places, 2 second places, 3 third places and 3 fourth places and 3 fifth places. B-TEAM U15 Hakeem Kunenen (6) 200 m 24,6 s 658 (4) Long jump 6,00 m 616 Willie Liebenberg (2) Javelin throw 59,44 m 629 U17 Kehan Schlechter (4) 800 m 2:04,85 586 Erich Wittmann (3) Javelin throw 47,15 m 351 Rynhardt Botha (4) Javelin throw 46,42 m 333 The team obtained 0 first places, 1 second place, 1 third place and 3 fourth places, 1 sixth place. C-TEAM U14 Matthew Levens (6) 100 m 12,2 s 638 (6) 200 m 25,6 s 612 Rossouw Malan (4) 400 m 57,1 s 628 Jaden Neethling (5) 400 m 57,1 s 628 Shah-Jehaan de Jongh (1) 300 m hurdles (76,2 cm) 42,9 s 644 (3) 100 m hurdles (76,2 cm) 41,7 s 642 (2) Long jump 5,63 m 554 Jacques Rossouw (4) 100 m hurdles (76,2 cm) 14,9 s 622 (5) 300 m hurdles (76,2 cm) 45,2 s 557 (4) High jump 1,70 m 632 Erik Viljoen (3) Javelin throw 40,55 m 199 U15 Gratias Mukiapini (2) High jump 1,90 m 796 Ethan Isaacs (6) Long jump 5,83 m 560 Luke van Schoor (3) Triple jump 12,36 m 556 The team obtained 1 first place, 2 second places, 3 third places and 3 fourth places, 2 fifth places and 3 sixth places. (Dal Josafat-stadion, Dinsdag 23 Oktober 2018) Verlede jaar se Paarl Driehoekige Atletiekbyeenkoms het weens die opgradering van Brugstraat te Dal Josafat plaasgevind. Die gedagte het toe posgevat om Worcester Drostdy te nooi wat sou meebring dat vier seunspanne teen mekaar sou meeding, asook vier dogterspanne. Dit sou meebring dat die byeenkoms nie meer te Brugstraat-stadion met slegs ses bane kan plaasvind nie omrede agt bane benodig word vir elk van die volgende items: 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, kort en lang hekkies asook die 4x100 m -afloswedlope. ’n Skool mag in elk van die genoemde items in die onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe (o. 14, o. 15 en o. 17) twee atlete per item inskryf. In die 4x400 m-afloswedlope mag ’n A- en B-span ingeskryf word. ’n Voorstel deur mnr Derek Swart, skoolhoof van HJS, dat die byeenkoms voortaan as die Lente-atletiekbyeenkoms bekend moet staan, is aanvaar. Let wel: Die items met rekords is behou . D. Lente-atletiekbyeenkoms
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