Boishaaier 2019
P a a r l B o y s ’ H i g h c h e s s h a d a n i m p r e s s i v e 2 0 1 9 c h e s s s e a s o n , w h e r e p l ay e r s e x c e l l e d a t v a r i o u s l e v e l s o f p l ay – f r o m r e c o r d i n g o u r b i g g e s t o v e r a l l w i n a t G r e y i n t h e l a s t t e n y e a r s t o d r a w i n g I n t e r s c h o o l s a g a i n s t a t o u g h G i m f i r s t t e a m .
CAPE WINELANDS CHESS Two of our learners, Lucian Abrahams and Hanro Fabricius, were selected for the Cape Winelands chess team, where they represented Boland at the Western Cape U18 individual championship. TOP SCHOOLS As always, we participated in the top school’s league this year. The competition was tough, as it usually is, but the U15 and U18 teams had some very impressive results. The U15 team went through to the Western Cape championships and finished in the overall third position. Here Jacobus Smit was announced as the best board number three at the tournament. INTERSCHOOLS Blue and white against green and gold. Interschools 2019. The contest was tough and eventually, after a hard-fought battle, the war ended with the first team drawing their game (four points each) while the second team went on to win six games to Gim’s two. – Hanro Fabricius SKAAKINTERHUIS Ons jaarlikse interhuisskaakkompetisie het gedurende die derde kwartaal plaasgevind. Na afloop van die uitdunrondes het die volgende huise deurgedring na die semifinaal: Villieria teen Imhoff en Berlyn teen Zeederberg. Dit was strawwe kompetisies, maar Villieria klop uiteindelik vir Imhoff 4 – 2, terwyl Berlyn Zeederberg met dieselfde telling kafdraf. Na heelwat kopkrap klop Villieria vir Berlyn 5 – 1 in die finaal en word gekroon as wenners van HJS se Interhuis 2019. – Alexander van der Walt
GREY-WEEK Hierdie jaar was dit Grey College se beurt om die Grey- naweek aan te bied. Ons was altesaam 18 spelers wat in drie spanne meegeding het. Behalwe vir ’n paar ou gesigte was die meerderheid spelers nuwelinge. Die groot wedstryd het Vrydag plaasgevind. Ten spyte van die klanke van vuvuzelas en dromme in die agtergrond het elke speler sy beste gelewer en die spel geniet. Ons het Grey met 10 – 8 geklop, die verste die afgelope 10 jaar nog teen Grey, grootliks te danke aan ons uitstekende afrigtingspan. Hier volg die uitslae: Aristoteles het eens gesê: “Ons is wat ons by herhaling doen. Uitnemendheid is dus nie ’n daad nie, maar ’n gewoonte.” Vir elke speler is skaak ’n gewoonte, ’n liefde, ’n passie. – Bernard Badenhorst IN CLOSING This year has proven to be a year of growth and development in chess. I would like to thank each player who made the season such a success, especially the matrics that dedicated themselves to chess since Grade 8. Laastens baie dankie aan ons nuwe afrigter, Christian Maxwell, wat aan die begin van die jaar by ons aangesluit het. Hy het hom goed van sy taak gekwyt om uitstekende spelers met ware HJS-karakter te lewer. • Eerste span verloor 2 – 4 • Tweede span wen 4,5 – 1,5 • Derde span wen 3,5 – 2,5
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