STYLE EVENT On 16 February PBH hosted the annual Style Event.
Die finaliste het weer ‘n vertoning van formaat gelewer, en van besondere waarde was hul insetsels rakende hul interpretasie van styl. Elke finalis moes ‘n letter kies uit die woorde Style Event en dan weer ‘n woord kies wat met daardie letter begin. Daarna moes hulle verduidelik hoekom hulle dink daardie woord pas by stylvolheid. Elke bydrae was ‘n ware getuigskrif van die uitstaande kaliber jongman wat deelgeneem het, en vir HJS. This year the finalists will serve in the community by participating in activities together with the organisation Mosaic. It will take the form of collecting items for the Swop Shack, which runs on the basis of children of a community collecting rubbish from the neighbourhood and then receiving a token which can be traded for an item of use. HJS bedank graag almal wat bygedra het tot die sukses van die geleentheid.
Congratulations to Joshua Kift for winning not only the title of Mr Boys’ High, but also for being chosen as Mr Photogenic! Second runner up was Oliver Adams and first runner up Benri Booysen. Cameron Dorfling was chosen as Mr Personality by his fellow contestants. Die semeroniemeester was die enigmatiese Paul du Toit, wie onder meer aan televisiegehore bekend is in die rol van Malan Koster in MNet en KykNet se Binnelanders. Van die eerste oomblik dat hy die verhoog betree het was daar ‘n betowering in die lug, en daar het beslis ‘n paar besoekers na hul asem gesnak toe hy begin sing. The expert judging panel included Ed Beukes (model), Anel Skye (actress), Morné Marais (1st runner up for Mr South Africa) and Christél Beukes (model).
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