Boodskap van die Skoolhoof BOODSKAP VAN DIE SKOOLHOOF Lectori Salutem Na ’n besonder turbulente jaar in wêreldgeskiedenis, het die Verenigde State van Amerika vanjaar weer ’n nuwe president verwelkom. By die HJS moes ons egter ’n paar maal tot siens sê: Tot siens in die eerste plek aan ons beheerliggaamvoorsitter, mnr. Hennie Karsten. Hy sal altyd onthou word as die man wat sy hand op onbaatsugtige wyse opgesteek het toe die beheerliggaam wesenlik positiewe en ondersteunende leierskap dringend nodig gehad het. Die HJS-gemeenskap sal hom hiervoor altyd dankbaar wees en onthou. This was also the year when we had to say goodbye, unfortunately, to a number of very young Old Boys who were plucked away from us in the prime of their lives. For them, we can only quote the lyrics from the well-known song written by Brian May: One by one Only the good die young They're only flying too close to the sun We'll remember Forever Once again, we were blessed by the good Lord with exceptional results. On the academic side, the Gr. 9s’ achievement and subsequent awards in mathematics in the systemic exams of 2015 reflected the result of careful planning and hard work, as was the 92% university exemption of the matrics of 2015. Being named by Die Burger as one of the top three mathematics schools in the province was the cherry on top of a well-baked cake. On the sporting front, the second consecutive Top Ten win in Bloemfontein by our athletes, with a world record set by Lukas van der Watt in pole vault, was a specific high point. Ekhardt van der Watt was also included in the SA Junior Athletics team for the same item. Keagan Whitten was invited to attend a SA U17 cricket camp. No fewer than eight boys (Salmaan Moerat, Charl Serdyn, Daniël Jooste, Khanya Ncusane, Adam Neethling, Reece Bezuidenhout, Manny Rass and Gianni Lombard) were selected for the SA Schools team for four internationals, and Francke Horn was selected for the SA A team. A number of boys were also included in the SA U16 rugby training squad, and Ethan Appies was included in the SA U17 hockey team. Erich Wittman, furthermore, was selected for the Namibian U15 team and Shaun Fouché was selected for the Namibia cricket U19 team. The swimming team’s top two placing in the province, the first squash team’s no.1 placing and the first and second rugby teams’ second unbeaten season in a row must surely count among the greatest achievements of the year. Beside these, numerous boys were selected for various provincial teams. In this regard, I would gracefully like to invite the reader to read the full annual report, available on our website. As ’n mens egter bietjie tot asemskep gedwing word so aan die einde van nog ’n jaar, is die belangrikste vraag wat bly: Met al hierdie suksesse, waarheen vanaf hierdie punt? Dit laat my dink aan die dag toe ek die volgende woorde op die muur van ’n kunsgalery lees: “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there!” DIT WAS DIE JAAR

Ek glo dat dit ’n belangrike stukkie lewensbeskouing is. Ons almal moet besef dat omstandighede op ’n uur-tot-uur-basis kan verander en dat dit wat gister effektief was, nie noodwendig vandag meer die antwoord is nie. Ek en my personeel werk hard daaraan om ons op daaglikse basis meester hiervan te maak. Ons benodig egter die ondersteuning en hulp van veral ouers in hierdie verband. Wat baie beslis hier ter sake kom, is ouers se bydrae tot die handhawing van die HJS as baken van dissipline en selfdissipline

On the cultural side, the fine results achieved by various groups were something to behold. Cantare once again won the title of best boys’ school choir at the ATKV final round. The school band won their section in two eisteddfods, and the serenade group and drumline both won gold. Kent Fobian en Kian Ontong were included in the provincial team for debating and will take part in the national competition as such.


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