Geagte meneer Swart, Meneer die Seremoniemeester, Eregaste, Opvoeders, Ouers, Boishaai en, die heel belangrikste van almal, Matriekklas van 2015. In all honesty, this speech was the hardest speech I have ever had to prepare, mainly because I cannot help but feel an inner turmoil of mixed emotions and the absolute inability to figure out exactly what I am feeling – so I thought perhaps I should stop trying to explain what it means to me now and instead attempt to put into words what it meant to me in the five years prior to this speech. When I did that, I realised that I was afraid. Not afraid of leaving. Not afraid of the big world outside and the challenges that it holds. I was afraid that I do not realise the absolute magnitude of today – of now. Jy sien, vandag verlaat ons huis waarin ons groot geword het. ’n Huis wat ons al baie goed leer ken het. Ons ken elke hoek en draai, elke klein merkie teen elke muur, en in alles is daar ’n herinnering. In elke eikeblaar lê daar ’n stukkie van ons en in die melodie van die klok sal ons bly ons antwoord gee. In a house there will be family, and in our case brothers, and forever our brothers that have crossed our way will be our mentors and forever we shall continue to mentor those before us. Although we have had our differences, we shall forever continue to be your keepers and never shall we give up on our family. Grade elevens: when we leave this hall, take care of this place and the rest of our brothers. Go out and live up to your long-awaited potential and when you look over your shoulder, you will see us there – always. In hierdie huis is daar ook ouers, amper sestig van hulle, en al spandeer ons die meeste van ons tyd besig om vas te sit en al moet ons heel dikwels op die regte pad gehelp word, sal ons nooit vergeet dit wat julle vir ons geleer het nie - dit wat nie in ’n boek staan nie. Ons sal julle altyd onthou, dit wat julle vir ons beteken het en die onbeskryflike aandeel wat elkeen van julle in ons bestaan en ontwikkeling het. Dankie dat julle altyd aanhou om ons so te aanvaar – net soos ons is, vol foute en tekortkominge, maar ten spyte daarvan het julle in baie van ons lewens die enigste konstante gebly. BOODSKAP VAN HOOFSEUN 2015
Willem Moore Hoofseun 2015
So then that leaves us – class of 2015. I have nothing more to say, other than I am eternally grateful for everything that you have meant to me and to each other. I think it is fair to say that we have built lifetime bonds with each other and we shall cherish every moment we have had and will have together. And in all honesty I think we can look at ourselves and say: we have done well. We have accomplished something very few people will ever accomplish – and throughout everything, never did we even consider giving up. Onthou altyd waar jou ware krag vandaan kom in die lewe en in daardie verband wil ek graag vir julle ’n vers uit die Bybel uit lees, iets wat my pa vir my gegee het toe ek op die laagste punt van my lewe was: Spreuke 3 vers 5 en 6. Vertrou volkome op die Here en moenie op jou eie insigte staat maak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou op die regte pad laat loop. Dankie, Pa en Ma, vir alles wat julle vir my beteken het. I’d like to conclude with a quote from Winston Churchill – something I think perfectly sums up today. “Every day you may make progress, every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever- improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.” Farewell my brothers, it is now time for me to step down and give way to a new a generation of leaders. It is now time for us to give way to a new generation of brothers. It is now time to greet you and this house forever. Tandem fit arbor surculus.
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