WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2021
10-60 g/hL for wine be used to prevent it. Due to its mechanism against free radicals, it is a powerful anti-oxidant. It also contains bentonite to remove the formed complex. The appearance of heavy metals like iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) in wine can be of natural origin or as a result of vineyard and winemaking procedures. Soil contains
Fe and Cu, which can be absorbed by the vine. Vineyard sprays with Cu products or the exposure of juice and wine to Fe- containing cellar equipment can increase the concentrations of the metals. Fe- concentrations higher than 5 mg/L in wine can lead to Fe-turbidity in it. High Cu- concentrations can cause fermentation
problems or lead to the removal of sulphur containing flavours. Trap’Metals™ is a chitosan product that can lower the heavy metal concentrations in juice and wine. Chitosan products of fungal origin and chitin glucan products can consequently be used beneficially for different reasons, but it is essential that small scale experiments
are done to determine the correct dosage (Longe et al. , 2021).
REFERENCE Longe, R., Bartowsky, E. & Gore, R., 2021. Chitosan for winemaking processing. Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker , May 2021.
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