WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2021
grape cultivars, namely Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Chenin blanc, Shiraz, Sauvignon blanc and Pinotage) planted in the three regions (figure 6) as an initial analysis for the development of a robust tool. A random forest machine learning classification performed on 42 data sources/layers within the geodatabase resulting in a feature importance list. The analysis showed digital elevation model, solar radiation, slope, distance from coast, aspect, wind speed, growing degree days, growing season temperature, rootstock, trellis system and soil depth, respectively, to be the top eleven layers (each with a feature importance weighting) that drive cultivar selection/recommendation. The suitability tool has three main functions that return a suitability recommendation. The user can draw a new polygon/field, select a previously drawn polygon/field or compare two previously drawn polygons/fields with each other (figure 6). KEY TAKE-HOME MESSAGE TerraClim products can be viewed, interrogated and downloaded through a user-friendly web application. Reports on the historical and current climatic and topographic characteristics of a particular agricultural field, orchard or vineyard can be generated and printed/ downloaded. While the web application facilitates a business-to- consumer data service, the climatic layers can also be made accessible to other mobile and web-based applications through an application programming interface (API), thereby enabling business-to-business data services. Use TerraClim to adapt, strategise, leverage change and build resilience in the face of seasonal uncertainty. View the web interface at www. and provide feedback to We endeavour to improve the tool based on your feedback. Watch this space for more information as we grow in knowledge.
FIGURE 5. Image of the spatial distribution of a high density wireless logger (50) network installed in the Banghoek/ Jonkershoek Valley, to further the understanding of temperature and terrain dynamics.
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