WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2021


decisions made today will determine the success of the next 20 years. To make these decisions, it is necessary to be well informed about the soil, terrain and climate you are working with. KNOW YOUR TERROIR The South African wine industry is located on one of the world’s oldest landscapes. The soils in which our vineyards grow, are so diverse that we have had to develop our own soil classification system. With an abundance of mountain ranges and hills, we have no lack of topography. And when it comes to climate, there are few places on earth with as much variation as we have in our country. This combination of variables has a major influence on the growth of the vine and the possible quality of grapes and style of wine that can be produced. The interaction of the environment on the ultimate product has captivated winemakers and viticulturists for hundreds of years. As it is a difficult concept to grasp, with so many variables which collectively have an effect on the final product, the French have named it “terroir” – their broad term for land. To better understand terroir, the concept must be broken down into its individual elements. If soil is the starting point, a detailed soil map becomes one of the most

HEINRICH SCHLOMS: Vinpro, Paarl KEYWORDS: Soil classification, terrain analysis, vineyard block layout. Plan your block layout with the help of soil classification and terrain analyses

PLANTING A VINEYARD is a long-term investment, and the decisions you make today will have a big influence on future success. INTRODUCTION Where is the best place to plant you next vineyard block? What cultivar, clone and rootstock is the best combination for a specific piece of land? How will the vineyard grow here, or will it grow at all? How is the wine going to taste if I plant a vineyard block here? Producers continuously grapple with these questions, for the exact reason that the


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