WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2020
cold stabilisation can lower the acidity of wines, which is generally not desired in warm viticultural climates. On the other hand, electrodialysis can lower the pH of your wine, which is desired sometimes. However, one study has shown electrodialysis to affect wine sensory negatively when compared to KPA and CMC. THIS SOUNDS FANTASTIC! IS IT LEGAL FOR USE IN SOUTH AFRICA? Yes, since 2019 it is. KPA is legal for use in Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina and wines containing KPA can therefore be exported to these countries. For all other countries, please check the export regulations first before using KPA. IS THERE ANY SCIENCE TO BACK YOU UP? For the OIV to have approved KPA to be CAN I EXPORT WINES STABILISED WITH KPA?
compared to CMC and especially when compared to mannoproteins. WHAT ARE THE OTHER ADVANTAGES OF KPA COMPARED TO THE EXISTING METHODS? • KPA saves you time compared to cold stabilisation. • KPA saves you money compared to cold stabilisation (think energy use – your financial manager will like this). • The use of KPA is less stressful than the use of cold stabilisation (think Eskom and load shedding). • KPA can be used on red – this is huge! • For the greenies – KPA is completely biodegradable, as well as energy effi - cient. • It uses no water compared to electrodi- alysis, which uses a lot of water. • It does not alter the composition of the wine, nor does it influence wine sensory in a negative way. Traditional
allowed in wine, they consulted very solid science in the form of a massive worldwide EU-funded research programme, called StabiWine, which cost €1 063 000. Subsequently, there have also been a few publications evaluating the efficiency of KPA. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER Winetech did not develop this product and therefore cannot guarantee any results claimed by any of the manufacturers in the use of this product. Winetech cannot be held liable for the use of this product in any regard. WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION? 1. Use of biopolymers for sustainable stabilization of quality wines. https:// reporting 2. The effect of high temperatures on the stability of Potassium Polyaspartate (KPA). http://winetechscan.blogspot. com/2019/07/the-effect-of-high- temperatures-on.html
3. The use of polyaspartates for white and red wine tartrate stability. http:// the-use-of-polyaspartates-for-white- and.html 4. Replacement of wine cold stabiliza- tion in the wineries: The use of car- boxymethyl cel lulose, potassium polyaspartate and ion exchange res- ins. org/articles/bioconf/abs/2019/01/ b i o c o n f - o i v 2 0 1 8 _ 0 2 0 1 8 / b i o - conf-oiv2018_02018.html (This ar- ticle is in Spanish, but Google does a fabulous job in translating it.) 5. Efficient tartaric stabilisation of white wine with potassium polyaspartate. a r t i c l e s /b i ocon f /abs /2019/04/ bioconf-oiv2019_02036/bioconf- oiv2019_02036.html 6. Potassium polyaspartate (KPA) . um-polyaspartate-kpa/
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