WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2020
The sustainability of French oak
Although wine barrels have traditionally been made from different types of wood, oak wood became associated with it in the course of time. Add to this the mystique of France, and the romance of barrels was kick- started. Are the French oak forests however sustainable tomeet the market requirement? The felling of a hundred-year-old tree is actually a process that should be respected. If it is borne in mind that only three to four wine barrels are made from such a giant tree and 600 000 French oak barrels are made annually, the sustainability of these barrels can be questioned. An oak tree does however supply more than only wine barrels during its lifetime. As a hardwood, oak wood is one of the best sources of heating and also one of the most sustainable raw materials. Some trees in forests must be felled to extend the lifetime of a forest and keep it sound. It also contributes to the well- being of communities, who protect the forests in exchange. As a result of the sustainable management of French forests, their surface has doubled over the last two centuries. One of the first models of sustainable forest management was implemented in the 17th century by the French minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, to ensure that sufficient wood remains available for the French navy. He was also the person who planted the first oak trees in 1670 in the Troncait area.
Nowadays 70% of the oak wood that is supplied to French coopers, originates from public forests, which are managed by the National Forests Office (ONF). The ONF guarantees the sustainable management of forests as certified by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). The latter is responsible for 60% of global forest certification. Forests that are privately owned, are also subjected to this certification. According to the PEFC forests must be utilised, otherwise the surfaces will be used for other purposes. By selling wood products, value is added to the forests. Trees also diminish the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the carbon dioxide consumption of young trees is much higher than that of older trees. Complaints are sometimes received that oak forests are over utilised, but the ONF denies and refutes this. France has the biggest forest surface in Europe, which has doubled over the last 200 years. It can mainly be attributed to the development of areas which were previously unutilised. The ONF also supports the development of wood with a fine grain, which can be used for barrel production, by tree selection and limiting the horizontal growth of trees. Trees are felled after approximately 180 years, with a stem diameter of 80 cm. The forest management is strictly regulated and the use of PEFC-labelling on trees identifies them. The responsibility of foresters comprises the
CHARL THERON: Private consultant KEYWORDS: French oak, barrels, sustainability
Oak leaf.
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