WINETECH Technical Yearbook 2019
Olifants region were watching the sky for rainfall which never came. As the FruitLook data analysis shows the farms in the Lower Olifants region were severely impacted during the 2017-18 production season. To live up to the challenges of the future, the agricultural sector needs to find ways to access more water, and at the same time irrigate more efficiently and with higher
precision. More water might be accessed via expensive measures like the introduction of new dams, increasing the storage of existing ones and increasing groundwater abstraction reducing vulnerability to drought. Simultaneously, fresh water is ultimately a limited resource and the efficient use of water in irrigation is essential for a sustainable (agricultural) future. This is where tools like
FruitLook can help, now and in the future. REFERENCES Informing the Western Cape agricultural sector on the 2015-2017 drought, A Drought Fact Sheet. Western Cape Department of Agriculture, November 2017. h t t p s : / / www. d a i l y m a v e r i c k . c o . z a / article/2018-04-23-western-cape-drought-
impact-hard-long-term-and-requiring-tough- intervention/ . h t t p s : / /www. f r u i t ne t . com/eu ro f r u i t / article/175645/olifants-river-asks-water- questions . South African Wine Harvest Report 2018 – big challenges in the vineyards, big surprises in the cellar. Vinpro, in collaboration with Sawis, May 2018.
– For more information, contact Ruben Goudriaan at or Caren Jarmain at or
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