Technical Yearbook 2023


Factors influencing knowledge uptake by practitioners – characteristics of the knowledge By Karien O’Kennedy

Various factors influence whether practitioners such as grape producers, viticulturists and winemakers will acquire new information. The previous two blogs discussed the influence of practitioners’ individual characteristics and the knowledge source’s characteristics. This blog discusses the characteristics of the knowledge itself and how it can influence knowledge uptake. The nature of the knowledge Whether information is theoretical or practical can influence its uptake. Theoretical knowledge (know what and why)

is scientifically created and validated and commonly communicated through written materials and presentations at events. It provides practitioners with a profound understanding of a product or a process, which can enhance their expertise. It serves as the foundation for practical application, helping practitioners develop a solid knowledge base for problem-solving and decision-making. Practical knowledge is the knowledge of how to do things. It is usually readily applicable to practitioners’ daily tasks and challenges, providing actionable solutions and techniques they can use immediately. Practitioners can acquire specific skills and competencies through the uptake of practical knowledge, enhancing their ability to perform tasks effectively. Practical knowledge is usually more likely to be embraced, especially if it provides a solution to a problem. A recent study among South African winemakers found that most participants preferred practical knowledge that addresses



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