Technical Yearbook 2023
higher input, but in the long run, it will be the only way to a higher return on investment. Andrea Campher from Agri SA underlined this and added that there will be a focus on different hazards impacting commodities, the sector at large, and relief efforts in response to the disasters. She stressed that every role player should commit to changes on farm, regional, national and international levels to make a definitive difference. “Everything a farmer does, is aiming to understand what the climate is doing,” said Marius Boshoff, Chief Strategy Officer of WinField United South Africa. “Prevention is achieved through knowledge. Observation leads to decision making. Intervention is finding solutions.” We need to turn data into insights and upskill the next generation for sustainability, therefore changing the attitude of young people and their parents towards agriculture as a career option. Data solution-driven projects showcased, included Metos SA weather stations by Pessl Instruments, which accurately measure hyperlocal weather and give producers near real-time actionable insights
tiniest creature able to make an enormous ecological impact. Sanjeev Raghubir, Group Sustainability Manager at Shoprite Holdings, outlined the various changes the largest retail company in Africa has been implementing to combat climate change, including switching to LED lights and installing solar panels at stores and warehouses. Even adding water tanks to stores to ensure business continuity can sway the consumers mind in the right direction – where giants go, we follow. But neither data, good intentions, nor technology is worth anything if not converted into something viable. Sustainability needs to be an integral part of businesses, measurable and held accountable, it is not just about reaching sustainability points. Our minds need to change to include the mantra: “Do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do.” The greater good must be above the company or society needs. Although the Millennial and Generation Z groups receive criticism for their ideals quite often, they are much more aware of the bleak future, and the importance of
to plan their operations. TerraClim, the brainchild of Dr Tara Southey, is a tool that integrates multiple climate data sources into one integrated database, which then translates into climate
Imagine living in a world where everyone is warming up to CHANGE.
steps needed to rectify by taking big leaps right now. Agriculture needs to be presented as attractive to these young minds, the ag leaders of tomorrow.
maps and subsequent climatic indexes aiding decision making in the field over multiple seasons. DropSight is a revolutionary new spray deposition measurement tool that analyses deposition and provides insight via an app into potential adjustments to nozzles, speed and direction, among others, making it an ecologically and economically viable solution in agriculture. Michelle Lesur from Andermatt Madumbi vocalised the importance of integrating a biological future focus on farm level. The ladybird being part of their logo is symbolic of the
What message did most attendees take home after the Climate Smart Agriculture Convention? Judging by the active and vigorous interactions between delegates, the importance of such a platform where like-minded thinkers can collaborate and find solutions is indisputable. Furthermore, humans need to see and embrace the bigger picture to survive. Imagine a world with enabling environments where people who want to make changes can do just that. Imagine living in a world where there is hope rather than living in fear of the future.
Panel discussion on water sustainability and security: Ashia Peterson (Director of Sustainable Resource Management in the Western Cape Department of Agriculture), Arthur Chapman (independent consultant), Professor Martin Steyn (Irrigation Specialist, Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Pretoria), Professor Adriaan van Niekerk (Industry Affairs, CGA), and Janet Lawless (National Marketing Manager, InteliGro).
For more information, contact Gabrielle Redelinghuys at Reference
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