Technical Yearbook 2023



PHOTOS 3 and 4. A shallow developed root system which occurred because the roots could not penetrate through the compacted side walls, caused by cultivation after soil preparation. Also note that the roots only developed to one side of the vine because the young vine was planted against the side of the planting hole wall and not in the middle of the hole.

PHOTO 5. A paraplough in action in the work row. Note that the toes move between the vine row and the tractor wheel. This crawler tractor can only cultivate blocks with rows of 2.5 m and wider (Photo: JNG Earthworks, 2023).

PHOTO 6. A paraplough can easily reach a depth of 60 or 70 cm (Photo: JNG Earthworks, 2023).

both sides of the vine row (photo 7). If the problem was only identified two or three seasons after establishment, cultivation should only take place on one side of the vine row. The other side of the vine row can then be cultivated in the next season. The ideal time for this action is probably late summer

or early autumn when the soil’s water status is optimal (relatively dry) to obtain the desired breaking-up action. Vineyards have a root flush in the post-harvest period which can be utilised. Fertilisation and irrigation should also be applied after the cultivation action to further stimulate root growth.



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