Technical Yearbook 2023


Recompaction of soil in existing vineyards – causes and upliftment methods By Johan de Jager & Bennie Diedericks A soil that can house a well distributed root system and healthy root zone – physically, chemically and biologically – is determinative to the lifetime of a vineyard and grape quality.

Before vineyards are established, the effective upliftment of physical and chemical limitations is central to ideal vine and root growth over the long term. Deep soil preparation with the correct implement choice at the right time before establishment is the only stage at which these upliftments/corrections can be effectively applied. Recompaction of prepared soil before establishment

is however unavoidable due to normal soil processes, management practices and cultivation practices in the vineyard. It impedes root distribution throughout the soil profile, as well as the effective supply and distribution of water and oxygen, and thus impairs healthy soil biology and the efficiency of all root functions.



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