Table Talk Grape Conversations 2024

ROD BELL, CEO (CropLife) Presentation: Phasing out of agri remedies: Implications, mitigation strategies and the way forward for the South African table grape industry Rod Bell has been involved in the crop protection industry for nearly three decades. After studying Botany and Zoology at the University of Pietermaritzburg, he built a career in sales and technical roles for plant protection products at global companies like DuPont. In 2018, he became CEO of CropLife South Africa, having served on their Executive Council. Dr. Lashbrooke is a grapevine researcher at Stellenbosch University. He studies grape genes, how they influence the plant, and how to breed better grapes with disease resistance and good qualities. He’s particularly interested in how grapes interact with their environment. ANNÉ MATTHEE, Portfolio Manager: Grapes (ExperiCo) Presentation: Optimising postharvest packaging to prolong storage and maintain quality of table grapes Anné Matthee is a researcher in the field of table grapes. She works at ExperiCo Agri-Research Solutions, where she holds the position of the R&D Grapes Portfolio Manager. She is involved in various research projects, ranging from pre-harvest manipulation sprays to postharvest decay control. Her presentation showcased the effect of various packaging material on maintaining postharvest table grape quality during storage. EUNICE AVENANT, SAGWRI (Stellenbosch University) Presentation: BTPA feedback: Impact of shoot quality on grape quality Eunice is a researcher with over 30 years of experience in applied and basic research on table grapes and other fruit. She is the SATI Training Manager, seconded to Stellenbosch University as Extra-ordinary Lecturer in Viticulture. Her research focuses on how grapevines interact with their environment, including water use, source-sink relationships, dormancy and chemosensory profiling. Kobus Pienaar is responsible for looking at ways to ensure Woolworths contributes to a sustainable Food System in South Africa. He grew up on a farm and began his career as an agronomist for a fertilizer company and was responsible for advising farmers in the Eastern Free State on how to grow maize, wheat, potatoes, sunflower and legumes. He has worked for large commercial farming operations and joined Woolworths’ produce team as a Food Technologist in 2004. DR JUSTIN LASHBROOKE, Genetist (Stellenbosch University) Presentation: Using genetics to mitigate berry cracking: What do we know so far? KOBUS PIENAAR, Technical Manager Food Security (Woolworths) Presentation: SA retailer’s perspective on fresh produce in key export markets and sustainability related matters applicable on farm




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