students to a greater extent than the passive, teacher-centric lecture model allows. Classes are intensive, and students are held to high standards. Assessment criteria in addition to in- class work includes written tests and a final project in which students create a production plan for a field crop pro- duced in their area by researching its significance, evaluating the suitability of climate and soil for production and applying key principles of plant produc- tion and protection. The crop chemicals business is rapidly evolving, and it has become highly technical. We’ve been through a decade of experiential and self-training, which just isn’t good enough for the environ-
ment we operate in. Knowledge is key. The Villa Academy strives to ensure that we have well equipped, well trained people in the agricultural industry. Apart from the courses we offer, we also actively participate in the publications of books such as this one to grow the knowledge of our industry even further.
Villa Academy – Grow your knowledge, reap success!
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