Origin Fruit Group Citrus Packing Protocol



PALLETS Confirm pallet types with Origin Fruit Group. FOUR WAY ENTRY PALLETS DIMENSIONS: 1000mm (LENGTH) x 1200mm (WIDTH) x 162mm (DEPTH)

IPPC PALLET STAMP Commission Directive 2004/102/EC . As of 1st March ‘05. ALL WOOD (>6mm) packaging material from non-EU countries must be made from wood treated with either: • Heat Treatment (HT) min core temp 56ºC for 30mins • Methyl Bromide (MB) fumigation

EVERY PALLET MUST BE STAMPED with an IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) logo with: • Two letter country code (of wood manufacture) • Producer Code • Approved measure (HT or MT) IPPC means International Plant Protection Convention. This is a treatment of wooden products by heating the product up to 56°C for 30 minutes in a drying kiln. Thanks to this procedure pests are eliminated. Treated prod ucts are marked by IPPC stamps with a specific code.

Country code

Code of the producer or com pany carrying out treatments (region an dlicense) TYPE OF TREATMENT

HT = Heat Treatment MB = Methyl Bromide DB = Debarked

IPPC symbol


Origin Fruit Group | Citrus Packing Guide

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