Origin Fruit Group Citrus Packing Protocol


Quality scoring system QUALITY SCORING AND STORAGE SYSTEM | EVALUATION The storage scoring system comprises the following numerical scores and contents:


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LIMITED OR MINIMUM storage life remaining, meaning the pro duce has a storage potential under optimal climatic conditions (tem perature and humidity) of ± 1 week (variety / condition dependant). SERIOUSLY LIMITED storage life remaining, meaning the produce has a storage potential under opti mal climatic conditions (tempera ture and humidity) of ≤ 1 week (vari ety / condition dependant) NO STORAGE life remaining, meaning the produce’s storage po tential is exhausted and is not suit able for any term in storage at all (variety / condition dependant).

GOOD , meaning the produce has a storage potential under optimal climatic conditions (temperature and humidity) of ≥ 4 weeks (variety / condition dependant). FAIR , meaning the produce has a storage potential under optimal cli matic conditions (temperature and humidity) of ≤ 4 weeks (variety / condition dependant). ADEQUATE OR NORMAL stor age, meaning the produce has a storage potential under optimal cli matic conditions (temperature and humidity) of ± 2 weeks (variety / condition dependant). MODERATE storability, meaning the produce has a storage potential un der optimal climatic conditions (tem perature and humidity) of ≤ 2 weeks (variety / condition dependant).

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Origin Fruit Group | Citrus Packing Guide

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