Origin Fruit Group Citrus Packing Protocol


Quality scoring system QUALITY SCORING AND STORAGE SYSTEM | EVALUATION The quality scoring system comprises the following numerical scores and contents:



VERY GOOD , meaning sample produce is free of any decay, has ≤ 5% combined defects, is hard to firm in consistency, has excellent coloration for the variety, is uniform in calibration and has brix levels towards the upper end of specifica tions for the variety. This produce should be clean with less than ≤ 5% combined defects. GOOD , minor defects, meaning sample produce is free of any de cay or has less than 2%, has ≤ 10 % combined defects, is hard to firm in consistency, has good coloration for the variety, has fairly uniform calibration, has brix levels within the specification for the variety. This produce must have a combined de fect score, incorporating all of the above, of ≤ 10 %. MODERATE defects, meaning sample produce has some decay and/or progressive defects, < 5%, has ≤ 20% combined defects, is hard to firm with no more than 30 % sensitive/soft fruit, has good to fair coloration for the variety, has fairly uniform to irregular calibration with produce, has brix levels within the specifications or lower for the vari ety. This produce must have a com bined defect score, incorporating all of the above, of ≤ 20%.

LOW QUALITY defects, meaning sample produce has moderate de cay and/or other progressive de fects, >5% has ≤ 30% combined defects, has firm, sensitive and soft fruit, has good to poor coloration for the variety, has fairly uniform to irregular calibration has brix levels within the specifications or lower for the variety. This produce must have a combined defect score, incorpo rating all of the above, of ≤ 30%. LOW QUALITY , serious defects, meaning sample produce has fre quent decay or other progressive defects,>10% has ≤ 40% com bined defects, has firm, sensitive and soft fruit, has good to poor coloration for the variety, has fairly uniform to irregular calibration, has brix levels within the specifications or lower for the variety. This pro duce must have a combined de fect score, incorporating all of the above, of ≤ 40%.






Origin Fruit Group | Citrus Packing Guide

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